I have sent so many Feedback messages and personal email messages to Wyndham regarding their new website. Now and then, the website works, but it doesn't work more than half the time; and it is so slow, so cumbersome, so time-wasting, so frustrating, so... To have to start over again and again with its selection of each unit, selection of each month, etc., which tends to drive a very patient person to an unpleasant place, is the mark of a very bad and unfriendly website. My last words also are the mark of a very bad and unfriendly sentence- sorry. I plan to try to summarize my past and continuing comments to Wyndham and send them to Ron and the TUG Forum. Thanks to TUG and all of the posts from Wyndham owners for their informational comments and opinions, and to Ron for his willingness to convey these ideas to Wyndham. I think we all deserve an excellent, user-friendly website, and I hope Wyndham diligently is trying to make it happen very quickly and to live up to their self-proclaimed maxim.