TUG Member
Boo ... I [Dislike] until I'm convinced otherwise??
EDIT: FWIW, I don't see myself having to pay for a Guest Cert often given the formula for complimentary Certs. Still ... it just bugs me as "family unfriendly."
Like you, I do not think this rule change will affect me personally... especially since I only use my credits for personal or family use. The number of free GC will impact very few owners irrespective of account size if they use it for primarily personal use with some family use included.
I know that WM has stated the GC fee is not a move against Mega-renters, but I do think it is. Like Ron has stated in this thread... the (up to) extra $198 per reservation does impact rental reservations, especially small reservations. The rental market is competitive, and taking this off the profit line makes WM rentals less attractive to rent.
Regarding Mega-renting... most who follow other forums (particularly WMowners) know I am not a fan of Mega-renting. I hold no bad feelings against those that are mega-renters, especially if they follow the rules. However, I believe that it is not in the best interests of the club, especially when raised to commercial levels.
I believe that most of the rule changes implemented to combat mega-renting have been ineffective. In fact, I believe they have caused more issues for the average owner rather than curtailing renting. This change will have a minor impact... but by itself will certainly not stop renting.
I've looked at how to curtail renting for some time now, and quite frankly, only Eric's suggestions seem to have enough teeth to significantly solve the problem. If I was to summarize them (with my own interpretation & additions):
1) Require a guest name at time of reservation, with no modifications, just cancellations.
2) Strict enforcement against a cancel/rebook (even across multiple controlled accounts)
3) Limit the waitlist for owner occupancy only
4) Strict enforcement (at the resort level) of the "man on the street" check-in.
5) Violations of above result in cancellation of all reservations in the account (or set of controlled accounts)
This would indeed cause impact to normal owners. It can be debated if it would be a net positive or negative for the club. However, the current state of bandaid on bandaid certainly does not work, and certainly makes the club less useful to ordinary owners. If implemented, most (or all) of the current bandaids could be removed.
PS: I invite Eric to modify the above since I credited him
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