I asked Brian if we could have a thread to replace the Yahoo group "Marriott's Ocean Pointe Owners"
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/OPnewsgroup/info which will be shut down on 12/15. He said there was no problem with this.
The Yahoo group for OP owners has been a terrific opportunity to develop a sense of "community" amongst the owners. Here's hoping that community continues and grows from this thread. Therefore, this is the beginning of a new chapter for Owners and visitors to Ocean Pointe. As the Marriott forum here on TUG encompasses a wide range of topics, this particular thread may simply incorporate popular topics on the OPnewsgroup, i.e., hurricane/storm warnings and damage, COA issues, social gatherings, personnel changes, loans/exchange of beach chairs, etc.
TUG has so much more to offer the Owners at OP than we could provide on the Yahoo website. To copy off a MI grocer's motto, it's "one stop shopping".
So please welcome and take advantage of this new thread.