While I understand that I can change the Bonvoy number associated with our MVC account it can only be done in Jan. How can we switch to the other owners MVC number if we wanted -this might be especially useful to those who have adde kids to the deed and they make more reservations and use the unit more. Might prevent some paperwork. If I missunderstand this relationship- unit/owner(s)/acccount assigned owner/Bonvoy numbers and responsiblities I am happy to be educated. Presently it is my owner number on the account and my username and password but it is my wifes Bonvoy number - we did this for her status- both short and long term. So if she shows up without me can she check-in if I do not do the form - we are both on the reservation me via MVC number and her via Bonvoy number?
I am surprised at how many long time owners are simply unaware that each person has their own login; and once they use their login to book a reservation, their own BonVoy number (assuming the person has their own number -- which they should make sure to obtain) and name populates that reservation. While only one owner receives the BonVoy status perk from ownership, all owners can obtain their own ENC and the token BonVoy points for the stay by using their own login to book the reservation. If your BonVoy number is not associated with your owner login, then it is up to you to contact CS to have the info updated to your personal account. If you are making a deeded week reservation from your account, only your name will populate on the reservation. There is no ability to add additional names to deeded week reservations. If you are making a point based reservation, you can add multiple names at the time of making the reservation. If it is a deeded week reservation you made from your account, then yes, unfortunately due to the limitations of the MVC system, you would be required to use the Guest of Owner form to add your wife's name to the reservation. I'm hopeful that MVC will change the fields for deeded week reservations to allow for more names, but who knows if that will ever be accomplished. If you make the reservation, and your wife's BonVoy number is on it, then you always have the ability at time of checkin to update the BonVoy number to your number if you are in need of the ENC or the token points. If your wife is not with you, then you are supposed to do that because she isn't entitled to the ENC if she isn't there.
An interesting question as at our last family estate meeting the agreement was we should re-title our MVC weeks/trust point to our trust. My understanding that the Trust will get a new ownership number. It is my understanding that a unit can only have one primary ownership number. So if the trust is the owner - will I need to do a reservation name change with every reservation. The trust is the owner - does MVC make the trust assign a trustee to function as the "owner"? Does the trust get an owner number - they must as the owner. What name is the reservation made under the trust - the trust or the trustee. Understanding that the trust will never occupy the unit. Same question for those that have their ownership in an LLC.
If you do estate planning and transfer ownership of your timeshare deeds (for USA based real property) to a revocable living trust, then what will happen is your trust will receive an owner number, but you will still have yours. [You are misunderstanding the limitation -- only one person can be identified as the primary account member. There can be multiple co-owners and each co-owner has his or her personal owner number.] Because a trust can only function via its trustees, I would presume you and your wife would be co-trustees. Then when ownership is held by the trust, the trustees designate which trustee (ie the human being) receives the BonVoy status perk from that ownership. Of course you do not do a name change with each reservation, because a trust is not in human form and cannot occupy a reservation. The name that populates is based upon the login used, which must be one of the trustees of the trust. So, it is just the same as discussed above. [Note prior to some of the major website updates completed within the past 3 years or so, the system was so antiquated that it lacked the capacity to distinguish between a trust and the trustees, so the name fields used "trust" as the last name. That was finally modernized by the major website upgrades that happened in 2021 or thereabouts.]
Lastly and I know LD will jump in here. I take a position on comercial use differently and after reading lots of different deffinitions and common use of the term in contracts I would say that renting out your unit is just that rental of a residential property. As long as the renter (not the sub leasor as we own that property) does not do comercial activity (mine bitcoin, run a bakery, ect) in the unit MVC should have no grounds to terminate our ownership for running afoul of the "comercial use" line in our purchase bylaws.
Regarding commercial use, IDK what the company will ultimately do; however, IMO you are focusing on the conduct of the tenant in using the unit, and instead the focus is on the owner. The commercial activity would presumably look at a pattern of conduct by the owner. If the owner has 25 weeks of ownership, and rents out each and every week, then that looks as though the owner is running a rental business. Whereas, if the owner only occasionally rents out a unit, then that would reflect the owner is using the majority of his or her ownership for personal use. You are seemingly forgetting that when an owner rents out his or her real property, that money is taxable income. There are rules within the IRC that determine whether or not or how much of that income is taxable. When you are generating taxable income, that infers commercial activity. While I do not know how the company will enforce the rules, your focus on what the tenant is doing is one step removed from the perspective that the company will be viewing when considering your rental activities.
BTW - the VSN rules in the ownership documents contain the following wording:
"Use of the Units and facilities associated with the Network is limited solely to the personal use of Network Members, their guests, invitees, exchangers, and lessees of Home Resort Vacation Periods, and for recreational use by corporations or other similar business entities owning VOIs. Purchase of a VOI or use of Units and facilities associated with the Network for commercial purposes including without limitation rental purposes, for contribution to or use in a different vacation ownership plan or vacation club (except as expressly permitted in the Network Documents), or for any purpose other than the personal use described above is prohibited."
BTW - the wording in the MVC Trust documents says:
"This prohibition on commercial use includes, but is not limited to, any illegal activity or a pattern of occupancy, rental, leasing, or use by a Trust Owner that Program Manager, in its reasonable discretion, could conclude constitutes a commercial enterprise or practice." I've not pulled the deeded week documents (since I don't have them in pdf format) to look at the wording there. I suspect it is similar.