In over 15 years of browsing this board I cannot recall seeing any, much less multiple, posts about MVC being sexist. You made a veiled reference to this in an earlier post but now bring this bizzare claim to the forefront.
The widow did not have her name on the reservation because her name was not put on the reservation, not because she didn't have a separate account. This may have happened when her husband was alive, or after he died, but again has nothing to do with separate accounts. Simply put, he was put on the reservation when the week was booked, and not her. (Maybe they just didn't plan on him dying and they always put reservation in his name? If she had died with reservation in her name, he would have had the same problem.) Yes, people should know that their name should be on the reservation, but when spouses die lots of prior plans become muddled. No need to introduce your sexism rants here.
[DELETED] It isn't my "sexism" rant. It isn't a "bizarre claim". Simply because you do not participate in the multiple owner groups on FB doesn't mean that the comments I'm referring to do not exist. I do not believe that the company is sexist, indeed, I've spent a lot of time educating my fellow owners on the existence of their individual logins that will pre-populate their names.
Just this week there were comments in my group which said "It drives me crazy that they won’t list both spouses and always default to the Man of the family!" [DELETED] It aggravates me as well. The account is mine, and I make all the reservations but even when I sign in, it says welcome...with my husbands name, so his name shows up on the reservations. I have been adding my bonvoy number when I check in...for the principal of the thing." Or "She's right, they always default to the husband. I make all the reservations, I'm the one that signs in, it's my email etc; but even with that it says welcome ...and my husbands name."
Those are only a few from this week. While you live in your bubble on TUG, there is actually a world outside of TUG where this is discussed; and thus, I continue to help to educate my fellow owners on this subject.
And, as to the widow I'm referring to, how difficult is it for you to actually comprehend that she did not KNOW she had her own account. She did not KNOW that only her H's name was on the reservation. She did not KNOW because they had always used the same account to login and book. So, when he passed, she used that same old account, and the reservation was in his name without her having any clue that she could not simply check in. She had the same issue with hotel reservations. She made the reservation using his BonVoy account (because she thought they shared it), and using the BonVoy points in his account, and he was dead. She showed up at the hotel and they said nope. Not your reservation; not your account.