I have owned DVC since the beginning and have appreciated being part of a pretty outstanding TS program. We have stayed at MOC since it opened as a hotel in the '80s. When it converted to TS, we excitedly bought. We totally understood the MVC program was inferior to DVC, but still better than paying the hotel bill every time we went to Maui. Experience proved that out. MVC has been great for us, just not as great as DVC. Do we complain about that? No. We pay less & we expect less. And it still is outstanding.
In 2010, while we greatly preferred the points program of DVC, we were extremely skeptical of MVC switching to points. As it turns out, in our opinion, points has been a wonderful switch, greatly improving MVC - but still not bringing it up to the quality of DVC (surprise, surprise, the extra cost and higher MFs of DVC actually give you something for your money). But we are not surprised and therefore, we are very happy with MVC.
One of the beauties of TUG is that anyone studying it before buying buys with their eyes open. Obviously some posters have poorly studied it, and have never come to understand the true beauty of TS, along with its limitations. TS/DVC/MVC are not what you want them to be, the are what they are. They are what they sell, they are not what the salesmen claim. They are not the perfect dream we might want them to be. But wow, are they wonderful, and are we ever grateful we bought DVC and MVC decades ago (with continuing add ons).
My wife and I were over on Ko'Olina earlier this week, getting a head start on gathering all 26 of our kids and grandkids on Maui for 2 weeks. BIG MF investment for enough points for all of us. LOTS of points/weeks banked, borrowed, rented, etc. Might be the last time we all ended up in the same place at the same time with grandkids now arriving at college age. Like everyone else, we were really sad to cancel it all (we also have an interesting story of the struggle to come home early!). And what in the world will we do with all those holding points? Pretty much impossible to use. But still, our problems are blessed first world problems and just don't measure up to what millions or billions of others are facing with Covid-19.
I don't understand those dumping on MVC (which is in fact all of us - the club members) policies. MVC needs a room for every point and week out there and even if everything changed back to normal, just a couple of weeks of cancellations overloads the system with too much demand. I want a clear path to using my annual ownership next year, and the year after, and the year after.
The obvious is that if MVC cost/MFs are stressing you at this time, you forgot what TUG says, and you have no business owning. But is there more Marriott could do for us? Sure. Maybe make it 180 day holding over 120 (but 120 is SOOOO much better than 60). Maybe extend expiration to 2021 or further. Personally, I expect some additional tweaking as time passes and they better know the dimensions of the virus. Renting is a wonderful perk that I have especially enjoyed with DVC (at least 2x MF), but TS has no obligation to bail us out on that one, especially when there are such great direct owner issues at this time.
For now, yesterday I booked 6 two bedrooms in Branson for the 4th of July. Used about 1/3 of our holding points. Wonder if we will get to go to Branson? Wonder where we will book the rest. I am waiting for ideas & availability from the kids.
One of my kids just pointed that we did get some value for what appears to be lost points. Everyone has been excited for months anticipating this trip, and that anticipating has a great value of it own. I like that attitude. Just praying this all passes quickly and that all can resolve all the issues in their lives quickly.