The simple fact is that rain wasn't involved in the situation yet the original post was worded (purposely or not) so it sounded like yet another Marriott Management outrage of incompetence. Your post also supports that misconception as the whole thing turned out to be a fire sprinkler problem. So "things should be fixed by now" doesn't apply to this. The on going and often speculative charges lead to this type of error and there are most likely others like you that now think the roof is still a problem and once again the Board/Marriott has blown it thanks to an incorrect posting. It really undermines any credibility of those crying wolf. The original post didn't ask for verification but sounded like someone had uncovered yet another roof/building leak problem after they were supposed to be fixed. "Why is the building still leaking?" is not an appeal for verification it is yet another accusation of faulty work done. Artful changes to "clarify" after being called on an obvious error doesn't change the original post.
A post asking "I hear there were some ceiling tiles that were damaged by water. Does anyone know what happened?" would have allowed for the proper response from someone in the know and not resulted in a false impression of roof problems. Its all in the wording and the assumptions being made.
The simple fact is that no one knows as yet what caused the "flooding" this time. Simply because one person was told by someone working on it that it was sprinklers doesn't make it so. OC history is filled with numerous examples of misinformation which has been given out by persons doing work on the OC over the years . As an example we personally experienced, when we couldnt get the AC in our room comfortable and the halls seemed to be very warm, we kept asking about the problem. We were repeatedly told there wasnt one. Through our own digging we found out that there in fact was a significant problem with the one tower condenser and that it had been on order for a couple of months from Florida. We were also told that the staff and workers had specific orders not to tell the guests about the AC issue.
When the stairwells were being repaired for the umteeth time from water damage, we were told that it was that the "paint hadnt cured properly". I could go on and on with examples as Im sure many others could as well.
Lets just say Im going to reserve judgement on this one.