I do not know if Allan has seen it or not. I saw it from another source and not sure how he got it. Only Allan can say if he has seen it or not.
I would like to further explain my removal as President, but must inform you that The Board after removing me as President held a special meeting and passed a resolution (4 to 1) which made all information privy to the Board as confidential including all minutes, resolutions etc which cannot be divulged without prior written approval of the Board of Directors. All information that I had previously posted on the web site was immediately removed and any violation of this resolution, the Board has the right to sue the individual personally and seek monetary damages. After passage of this resolution I made a motion that the resolution having been adopted be forwarded to owners and be posted on our web site. My motion was not seconded nor commented on by any Board member. Since I cannot share the resolution with you all the information I am sharing has been discussed an d shared with numerous owners previously.
I strongly feel that every owner has an equal right to know what is happening. I do not understand what information that I as a Board member and Owner should have that you as a fellow Owner cannot be made aware of. We all have an ownership and financial interest in the Aruba Ocean Club.
I think I can understand why the BOD took these actions. There was mention of a lawsuit. Any organization in a similar situation where they were being threatened with a lawsuit would take similar action. They quickly move to defense mode and that is exactly what happened here.
And to clarify it is the board that threatned the lawsuit in Jan of 2008 not anything that was stated on this or any other blog.
[Message deleted. Personal attacks are not permitted on these forums. Dave M, BBS Moderator]
I think I can understand why the BOD took these actions. There was mention of a lawsuit. Any organization in a similar situation where they were being threatened with a lawsuit would take similar action. They quickly move to defense mode and that is exactly what happened here.
I think that it is now obvious that the new BOD has been lying about many things now.
What bothers me the most is that the BOD is supposed to represent the owners interests first. I think that this is now more and more questionable to say the least.
If the new BOD think that what they are presently doing is in the best owners interest FINE. But tell us WHY and without lying. I just can't stand that they need to lie to achieve that.
One of their first big lie was release on the OC owners website itself on October 29, 2008.
Where they were denying any class action rumor and that everything was perfect under the sun.
This was absolutely not the case...
Then when questioned about the president Mr. A. Cohen situation their answer was that it was part of a planned succession elaborate by the BOD and by Mr. Cohen himself!
Again another BIG lie...
If only the BOD reply was:
We the new BOD members have decided to push Mr. Cohen aside for the following reasons:
1- We think that his approach isn't....
2- To let him start a probable class action wasn't in the best...
3- etc...
NO they lied instead. Why?
Owners are not children, we don't need to be spoon feed.
Maybe the new BOD doesn't want the owners to decide by themselves?
Under the present situation it is very easy to think that they might already have an agenda.
The big question is, if they lied for the simple questions what about the rest?...
Also why are they keeping the owners in the dark?
Bylaws clearly stated that the minutes of all meetings should be available for inspection by members.
And now they just decide to take that democracy right to the toilet!
I understand that the BOD need to make decisions without the approval of owners but to hide those decisions is another thing...
If you hide yourself it is because you either want to protect yourself or you don't want others to know.
If the BOD is doing things right and lawfully they don't need the secrecy nor the protection.
As a director if you can't justify or stand by your decisions then don't take the job.
Taking decisions isn't a popularity contest it is a conclusion process after consideration.
It's the owners right to be OWNERS IN THEIR OWN RESORT!
Is Marriott behind all this?
Just ask yourself who's interests are best served by all those lies and secrecy?
It's obvious that they want to keep the golden chick at all cost.
Will it backfire on them?
The conditions to retake the power of the BOD are very difficult to meet.
Will the number of owners reached and convinced to act be enough?
Looks like Marriott take the guess that it won't.
Time will tell...
To the other Marriott resorts owners don't make the mistake to think that it cannot happen to you as well.
As for myself the Marriott experience has already left me with a sour taste!
I would like to hear from more owners, how do you really feel after reading Allan's letter. Try to digest exactly what he is saying. I am sure many of the owners that read this site were happy with Allan representing them. Now you have heard from him directly and he gave you the truth.
Do you plan to write to Marriott or have you already? Do you plan to write to the board or have you already? Do you plan to sign up for a vote to change the board or have you already? I'm just interested in why you would choose one action over another.
If you have decided to just throw the towel in and try and sell your unit, or if you choose to never buy or recommend Marriott again, I am also interested in hearing that. Lastly, if you plan an sticking it out, have already paid your $1670 and cant wait for the next $700 bill around the corner and stick with Marriott, I am wondering what criteria you used to make that decision. I do appreciate your candor.![]()
While I understand your frustration and anger, do you really think it is in anyone's best interest to start a Marriott Aruba hate campaign, so to speak? I am not sure what positive benefits you will reap by telling people they'd be crazy to buy at either the Ocean Club or the Surf Club.Lucky, I certainly understand your feelings and I share them. I had always considered buying more TS over time, but after this experience I am done. As soon as the market turns around I will be selling my Surf Club unit and if things don't turn around with the OCean club I will sell those as well. It would be cheaper for me to rent a unit then to continue to pay the fees.
I know when I was down in Aruba, I was speaking with people who were thinking of buying, and after listening to what was going on with the Ocean Club they decided not to buy in the surf club. Word of mouth is very powerful. I know owners who jsut got back and they talked people out of buying. There is also a group going down over the next month or so that have thier own plans for when they get there. Should be quite interesting.
Not everything has to be learned the hard way.Paying to find that out can be extremely expensive but many have to learn the hard way.
There is also a group going down over the next month or so that have thier own plans for when they get there. Should be quite interesting.
While I understand your frustration and anger, do you really think it is in anyone's best interest to start a Marriott Aruba hate campaign, so to speak? I am not sure what positive benefits you will reap by telling people they'd be crazy to buy at either the Ocean Club or the Surf Club.
While I am not getting into an Ocean Club versus Surf Club controversy here, I think the distinction is important. What is going on at the OC impacts the SC in so far as it impacts all Marriott owners, but the construction issues and even the BOD personalities are an Ocean Club issue. These resorts are two separate entities.
I don't think it is in any Ocean Club owner's best interests to engage in a bad-mouthing campaign that makes it so no one wants to own/purchase at the OC and, as a Surf Club owner, I have to admit that I'm not thrilled with a campaign to discourage people from buying. Word of mouth can help destroy a great, healthy resort- something which I personally don't think is in anybody's best interests.
I don't think this is the way to advance your cause.