I am not able to trade my week for points.
Why is that?
I am not able to trade my week for points.
TJCNewYork do you work for Marriott?
TJCNewYork do you work for Marriott?
.Nope - why do you ask?
I was wondering the same thing after reading his post here and on www.marriottrewardsinsiders???
Call me paranoid, but I'm wondering what the ulterior motive is here.
Sort of wish you did, so take it as a compliment.
You opinions are very well stated - almost as "a matter of fact." Besides, we would love to have an insider here on Tug.![]()
You're kidding right? If you are a Marriott Rewards member, login to Insiders and review my profile.
Terry, Winslow and TUGers
[Since I'm new here, I have a question. Do TUGers always confront newbies by asking them if they work for Marriott? Is THAT how TUGers welcome newcomers?] Retracted thanks to Terry
I had to fax my folio for two stays I had. One for the MFC where I used my owner week and one I had as an exchange at Barony. Neither showed up. However, all my stays at the Marriott Fairways in NJ show up. I have never had a problem there. I got 14 days worth of credit. That may help me reach Gold status but I doubt it
Actually, I wasn't, but I honestly didn't mean it to sound as hostile as it probably does. It was difficult to differentiate between who said what from your first post, at first reading. And I wondered why/how you were led here to even offer a post.
I'm sorry for any offense. None was intended.
You're right in that there is no harm in all of us having more information outlets available to us. I wasn't aware of before you posted, so thanks for that. I hope you join TUG and bring others along with you; the more the merrier.![]()
No offense is taken, thank you for the note.
Suspicion of newbies, especially after reading 200+ pages of exhausting discussion about AOC here at TUG is to be expected. Candidly, I was very reluctant to post anything here as I was apprehensive about opening a wound that hadn't quite healed.
The more the merrier for all MVCI owners!
What sort of credit does one get for a Marriott timeshare stay? Do you actually get Marriott Reward points (and if so, how many?) or just credit towards Gold status, but no points?
Also, does anyone know whether credit for Marriott timeshare stays in available for people who trade in to Marriott via II, but who do not own a Marriott unit?
As for the wounds, if you are referring to the wounds of paying those outrageous maintenance fees at the ocean club, those wounds are far from healed.
It will offer many more points to direct purchasers only (as has been rumoured) that sign up for the program, possibly 270K
What sort of credit does one get for a Marriott timeshare stay? Do you actually get Marriott Reward points (and if so, how many?) or just credit towards Gold status, but no points?
Also, does anyone know whether credit for Marriott timeshare stays in available for people who trade in to Marriott via II, but who do not own a Marriott unit?
Thanks for the scoop. Can you elaborate on what direct purchasers only means? Can you give an example to illustrate?
Thanks for the scoop. Can you elaborate on what direct purchasers only means? Can you give an example to illustrate?
Here is my 1 cent on all this (which of course, is pure conjecture for purposes of discussion):
Months? seconds!!!The internal exchange system has been discussed over and over and over, it will come up as a new topic again I am sure in a few months. :deadhorse:
Why is that?
I think the :hysterical: after their comment indicates that they were not serious.
there have been many a post about what the rumored Marriott Internal Trading system will entail.
The survey taken by many people late in 2008 was discussed in this thread. Many of the questions are quoted directly from the survey.
The internal exchange system has been discussed over and over and over, it will come up as a new topic again I am sure in a few months.
Oh no, you must be sneezing hard if you have browsed/searched for "Marriott Internal trading system"!!...Thanks for the welcome. I'm allergic to rumors![]()
I do the same thing Terry does, during every one of our stays, after reading his explanation a couple years ago here. We figure out what we want to do by checking websites, travel guide books and the resort schedules, then ask the concierge to book whichever activities they can. Every incidental charge gets put on the Marriott VISA and, like Terry says, it is amazing how quickly the points add up. Hawaii especially, I think, because the activities there are so much more expensive than at the other places we visit, but every little bit counts.![]()