Mary Ann, Reducing (not eliminating) carbohydrates go a long way. I exercise after dinner and I have the option of going longer if I had too many calories for the day.
Having a tough time with my weight. I do exercise 5 days per week. I am just about a vegetarian- no meat except occasionally turkey. But- weight still going up.
Mary Ann, Reducing (not eliminating) carbohydrates go a long way. I exercise after dinner and I have the option of going longer if I had too many calories for the day.
I started out totally eliminating alcohol and ice cream both of which I over indulged. Then I eliminated all fast food (french fries were a big culpret) other than Subway where I eat a 6" about 4 days a week. Then I gave up meat except for a burger once every two weeks. Now I am pretty much Subway, fish, fruits, vegetables and a bowl of granola with skim milk.
When i treat myself to a burger I buy a 1/3 lb and cut off and throw away 1/3 of it. Reason I buy the 1/3 lb burger is that I like its consistency. If I treat myself to a dessert I throw (or give) away half. I have found that by chewing slowly I get as much satisfaction on half as much.
you dont say which decade
At last years Club Wyndham Annual meeting Franz Hanning, (CEO) commented on all the grey hair he saw in the audience, and shared with us that he had just turned 60. He said, that 60 was the new 40 and 70 was the new 50. But 80 is 80, you cant hide from 80. The guy I was sitting next to was over 80 and got a good laugh from that. And its guys like that, that are still traveling at 80+ and that can still laugh at themselves, that cause me to embrace this getting old thing, rather than fearing it
And when I look into the mirror, I still see a 25 yo looking back I dont know whats wrong with Daves mirror
Happy Birthday
I am retiring in 10 days. Still in my 50s. Still have alot of drive to work but the idea of having time on my hands to do whatever is not too bad. Will try it for 6 months and see if I am bored to death. My plans had been to work until I am 62. But plans changed very recently.
Congrats! Sounds great! Wish it were me. Hope I make it to 65. I hate working. It gets in the way of my life.
Try to enjoy it. Give yourself a lot of time to reflect!
I am retiring in 10 days. Still in my 50s.....Will try it for 6 months and see if I am bored to death. My plans had been to work until I am 62. But plans changed very recently.
I hope the change in plans was a pleasant unexpected occurrence. Not health or reversal in fortune.
The key to successful retirement is to have something to look forward to doing every day. Even volunteer work, going to the gym, a favorite hobby, golf. Someone needs you. All you have to do is find them.
Waking up and turning on the TV will indeed, literally bore you to an early death.