Sure, but...
There would be no resale market if someone hadn't bought new when the properties opened.
Sure -- this is obvious and irrefutably correct, just as it is equally true that there would be no cars (or refrigerators, or guitars, or boats --- or substitute and insert whatever other item you may choose) offered for less money as "used" or "resale", unless
someone originally bought the item "new" (at full price) in the first place.
However, I respectfully submit that this observation misses (or evades) the important fundamental point and truth that in timeshares, the "used" (i.e., resale) product is (with
very few exceptions) essentially
the exact same product as the "new" version thereof ,
but at 90+% less money. That's not an observation intended to berate the developer-direct buyer for paying "full freight" --- it's merely an observation of the indisputable factual, numerical reality of the timeshare "resale" market.
Alan Cole has had a much more eloquent observation of this fact on numerous occasions, essentially noting that
all timeshares are "used" timeshares after their very first night of occupancy (my apologies Alan if I have inadequately represented your own more articulate expression of this fact).