I don't know (or frankly care) anything whatsoever about DRI and / or its' (or other chain) corporate practices, assorted trusts and sub-trusts, The Club, points, etc. --- all of which are essentially irrelevant to the (non "chain") interval ownership discussion at hand anyhow.
To your more relevant
other points however, I guess we can just agree to disagree. I will say only that we have
no ghost or LLC owners at our independent facility, we don't and won't entertain having any, and our most recent annual maintenance fee payment delinquency rate was under 3% (I don't believe it has ever been more than 5% during any of the years of our ownership, but I could be mistaken on that). Foreclosure is quite promptly pursued in instances of non-payment, a process certainly facilitated by relatively recent changes in the law regarding simpler, less expensive, more efficient non-judicial foreclosure avenue options.
You can cite all the "hypotheticals" and "theories" you wish (a LLC somehow seeking but being denied occupancy seems to require suspending disbelief, frankly) but I submit that nothing succeeds quite like proven success. We'll just adhere to our adopted and successful practices and just stick to our guns, thanks. Sue us.