Just thinking how easy it would be to dump it if need be.
Just thinking how easy it would be to dump it if need be.
Yes, but thats not the reason to form an LLC. If your plan is to dump it , dont buy it.
Having said that;(and this is Wyndham specific) When that time comes my thought is that it will be easier and cheaper to sell the LLC that owns 20 deeds than it will be to sell each individual deed. because Wyndham charges a $299 fee for each deed. I also expect to be able to transfer my VIP status selling the LLC rather than the individual deeds...
Have you set up the LLC yet? And did it pass the Wyndham sniff test? Given the number of ways an account can transfer to others, and maintain VIP, were does this fit into Wyndham's rules?Yes, but thats not the reason to form an LLC. If your plan is to dump it , dont buy it.
Having said that;(and this is Wyndham specific) When that time comes my thought is that it will be easier and cheaper to sell the LLC that owns 20 deeds than it will be to sell each individual deed. because Wyndham charges a $299 fee for each deed. I also expect to be able to transfer my VIP status selling the LLC rather than the individual deeds...
With that said, that still leaves open the question of VIP status, when someone is added after the initial purchase from Wyndham. According to Wyndham only relatives can be VIP by way of family.As a condition of accepting corporate ownership, some TS resorts (the smarted ones) require that the corporate officers, trustees, partners or what have you, agree to be personally liable for MF's, special assessments, fees and dues, lest they try to hide behind the corporate veil.
Thus, it may not be useful for sticking your fellow TS owners with unpaid MF's, but rather a good device for holding and transferring ownership without the tedious process of a real-estate transaction.
With that said, that still leaves open the question of VIP status, when someone is added after the initial purchase from Wyndham. According to Wyndham only relatives can be VIP by way of family.
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Just thinking how easy it would be to dump it if need be.
Who do you think foots the bills if you abandon a timeshare with a Viking Ship LLC?
I dont think he cares, Denise
Its not a big deal for the cheap boats like mine but consider the sales tax on a $300000 yacht would be $25000. and its not a big deal for a Wyndham account with one or two deeds, But I have over 100, At $299 plus closing costs; thats almost $50000. which is why I spend as much time as I do developing an exit strategy...
Probably not, but if any newbies are reading this thread and thinking it's a great idea:
If you abandon your timeshare with an LLC, the other owners at the resort have to cover your maintenance fees until it's re-sold, the legal costs of recovering the deed, and the cost of trying to resell it.
The developer pays nothing - the management company pays nothing.
HOA's are starting to get wise to the the Viking Ship scheme, and many will no longer accept a deed transfer to an LLC, unless the principal(s) in the LLC, agree to be personally responsible for the obligation.
Now lets think that if this works with the LLC as an exit strategy and the timeshare companies lose any money or group of owners don't like losing money could you then possibly be committing fraud as your "intent" for the LLC was to defraud? You could become the test case and then lawyer fees will be more then than you ever expected. In RonParise's case he set up the LLC for other reasons and used it as a attempt to make money, making it a business. So if you are the only one using the timeshare it could be ruled that it is still YOUR property and the protections of the LLC lost. In the case of the yacht I am sure they also used it for some business purpose part of the time to make it legal.
I'm sure you'll get more knowledgeable replies than mine. In theory, sure, yes, it could be deeded to a company. But you have to have approval from a resort to transfer, and more resorts are not allowing transfers routinely into company names for the very reason you've outlined.
It's because many of these timeshare scam places collect large upfront fees from people desperate to dump their timeshares, transfer deeds into what are termed "Viking ship" corporations, then default, leaving the resorts to hold the bag.
The 3 resorts that I own at will not transfer to a LLC. Just as a confirmation as what was stated above...
I'm curious why some Tuggers are against LLCs, but encourage refusing inheritance. The end result is exactly the same.
Not picking on anyone in this thread. It's just a pattern I've noticed over my time on Tug. There are many arguments posted against LLCs, but lots of encouragement for people to refuse to accept an inheritance. In all of those cases, the end result is the same.
I'm curious why some Tuggers are against LLCs, but encourage refusing inheritance. The end result is exactly the same.
Not picking on anyone in this thread. It's just a pattern I've noticed over my time on Tug. There are many arguments posted against LLCs, but lots of encouragement for people to refuse to accept an inheritance. In all of those cases, the end result is the same.
I'm curious why some Tuggers are against LLCs, but encourage refusing inheritance. The end result is exactly the same.
Not picking on anyone in this thread. It's just a pattern I've noticed over my time on Tug. There are many arguments posted against LLCs, but lots of encouragement for people to refuse to accept an inheritance. In all of those cases, the end result is the same.
Not exactly the same, but there is much in common in that both cost the association money to resolve. If enough heirs refuse the property, the timeshare companies will get smart and file a claim against the estate for future maintenance fee obligations and work to prevent any part of the estate from being distributed apart from the timeshare. How estates are handled varies greatly from place to place, but nowhere are creditors claims simply ignored.
Right now on this site, two people are posting about their foreclosures. One gives at least weekly updates, and is encouraged to hang in there. Not only not paying MF, but owes on a loan.