For the love of god, don't rescind!
It's what keeps up the construction of these huge timeshares that we're able to trade in to for pennies on the dollar - someone has to pay full fare coach!
Seriously, though, I know it can seem like people are beating up on these poor newbies, but they come to this forum looking for advice. If this was a forum on international travel and someone said they were thinking of taking a steamship to get to Europe so they could get there quickly, everyone would quickly say "TAKE AN AIRPLANE!!!!" Someone may say "I took a steamship the first time by mistake and loved it, it's slower, but you really enjoy the journey a lot more." And that's a valid claim, of course, but not within the mission of the group.
The mission of TUG, as I see it, is to create a forum on how people can save money buying, and use more effectively, the multitude of timeshare options that are out there. If the core mission of the group is to help save people money, and someone has poked around enough to figure that out, then obviously this is the type of advice we should give.
Obviously, we all got here different ways, some bought retail and rescinded due to TUG, some bought retail and found TUG too late, some had friends or families who got swindled and found TUG reading up on it, and some are just curious. However, we got here, our advice has to be pretty much the same at this point.
Regardless of the different views expressed in this thread, is there anyone here for whom a retail timeshare purchase is 10% or more of their annual salary (ie - a $20k retail package being bought by someone who makes around $200k per year) who would not say buy resale? However you got it the first time, however much you enjoy using it, of like the instant gratification HGVC giving you instant access, the joy of Elite status, can anyone who fits into that financial category really argue against buying exclusively on the resale market?
And if there is anyone here who thinks it's worthwhile to buy retail, I have a 4800 point Flamingo I'll gladly let go of for just under the retail price...:rofl: