Going to share something else I do that may help others. Does not require to be a genius. Just know how things work and have a little common sense. I am sure it will drive some ballistic.
This involves lowering your tax bill by harvesting tax losses in non-retirement accounts. One reason that if you cannot afford to do both a 401K and a non-retirement account. I would choose the non-retirement account. In the long run, you will save more in tax savings and having more choices than what you would get with a match.
When you sell a loser, you can claim the loss and write it off against your gains or up to $3000 against other income. But you cannot buy it back within 31 days. Otherwise, it is called a wash sale and you lose the write off.
But if you are someone like me whose all plan is based on asset allocation, if I sell it, I lose exposure to that stock or sector which I do not want to do. So what I do is when I sell it, I will buy the 2X version and put half of what I had in the 1X version into it. Then in 31 days I will sell that and buy back the 1X version.
If that stock or sector kept falling, I would have more losses to write off but they would be short term losses. However if it reverses itself, I will have 2X gains.
There have been articles how others are doing the same but exchanging between the ETF versions and the mutual fund version which are very similar. The articles claim that has been no IRS ruling on it but they talk about how much the government is losing in tax money. I assume they will eventually rule against it and declare them wash sales. That is why I use the 2X version. Keeps my asset allocation intact but not similar enough to be declared a wash sale.
Yep, I am a fool who does not know what I am doing. Enjoy your laugh.
Oh, by the way this is something a 8th grader will not understand. Maybe a college freshman.