This approach to knowledge seems to characterize this entire thread.
Here’s what happened:
”Bottom line: In marks, stocks had an amazing run. Even in USD they had a nice runup.”
An analysis of stock performance during Germany's hyperinflation offers insights into economic resilience.
It’s hard to read the log chart, it seems to suggest that stocks went from 300 marks to 100,000,000,000 (100 billion) marks but I could be off by a factor of 2 or more.
According to investopedia/bullionvault, gold went from 170 marks to 87 trillion marks over a 5 year period (Jan 2019-Dec 2023).
Based on this very superficial analysis, gold did better than stocks during this period of time.
But you’d have to read the original treatise to be sure:
I don’t think we’re about to enter a Weimar Republic-style hyperinflation, where for 5 years prices doubled very 28 hours. If you think that you live in a totally different reality than me.