Oh by the way, please tell us about your losers. If you have had none and been perfect, can the rest of us rub your head so your luck runs off on us?
Sure. NTR, VZ and VAC have been absolute dogs for me. Worst quarter was 2020 Q1 with about a 20% drawdown. I would love to say my portfolio is exciting, but it’s pretty boring to be honest. Currently have 27 positions (6 are ETFs). There is minimal technology - I unfortunately missed out on Nvidia and the M7). I made a grand total of 18 trades last year.
No leverage and I usually sit between 5-20% cash (currently at 12%). No bonds since I don’t like the risk profile with potential inflation and I have a defined benefit pension which effectively is like a fixed income investment for me. I will occasionally do a covered call position if I’m ready to get out.
If you like to nerd out in the risk statistics my sharpe ratio over the past year has been 3.58 (S&P is 1.6) and the Sortino Ratio (measures the downside risk better) is 15.6 (vs. 2.91 for S&P).
I think you’ll probably understand pictures better, so here are the historical annualized returns for my portfolio (in blue) going back to the inception of this account (when I fired my financial advisor mid-2019). Pretty much dead on with the S&P (green) over this time period with significantly lower risk.
Now I’ve showed you mine - care to share yours?