I am a believer in the Stock Market. I am also a believer in Business Cycles.
The business cycle is currently pointed down because of a shortages. This gives us inflation.
IMHO this current period of inflation is being caused by too much money chasing too few goods.
The too few goods is a function of 1.) China shutdowns, 2.) War in Ukraine, 3.) NIMBY issues in US. 4.) Drought. Not necessarily in that order.
As we try and transition to a different energy mix, the country is stymied by legal challenges to mining lithium and new power lines,
The problem of sufficient energy is exacerbated by shutting down legacy electrical generation before there are "clean" replacements.
We are unable to obtain lumber because of restrictions on harvesting on Federal lands.
Food costs will be increasing in the near future as the impact of fields not planted because of no water, trees not watered, grain locked up in war areas.
The economy will recover, but I am not a believer in a short term business cycle recovery at this point.
Adjustments will be made over time to relieve these problems, but not in the short run.
I am following the path of shorting hard rallies and buying hard selloffs, but not putting money to work in the stock market on a long term basis.