I have some experience with this seller and I believe that the seller was bidding on his own auction on this one. The winner had zero (0) feedback. The same seller had another auction that had numerous bids by buyers with zero (0) feedback, but on the other auction the winner had a feedback of 1. So, two auctions and they both happened to be won by buyers with no feedback who are only interested in his timeshares.
Anyway, this seller is "siezethedayvacations" and what I believe the seller does is bid up the price to as high as possible with these fake accounts with no feedback. They essentially top your highest offer and win their own auction. I suppose they can give themselves feedback and pay the small fee to eBAy for selling a timeshare too. But in the end, since they still have a TS to sell, they then come back to the next highest bidder with a "second-chance" offer. This bidder gets offered a "similar, everything the same" timeshare because the seller happens to have a second one and by the way, the seller will sell it to you for the price of your highest bid. That is what they did to me anyway, as I was the second high bidder on one of the auction listings sold by "siezethedayvacations". I actually still wanted the timeshare, but still would not buy it, really only because it left a bad taste in my mouth and I am stubborn enough not to accept this practice.