If you buy a resale for a song and get 2 or even 3 years of usage but only paid MF for a few months before dumping it on Ovation, as you have gloated elsewhere, what would you call that?
Clever? Or crooked? Smart? Or smarmy?
Somebody else is paying the price for your con game or 'your use of your ownership as you see fit' as you smugly put it!
Imo, Ovation should do some extreme vetting to exclude gamers who churn the pot and make off with the cream!
I'm not sure if the emojis are just automatically appearing after every sentence (If so please find a way to shut them off), but between that and the essentially personal attacks, I think many of us are close to using the 'ignore' feature on your posts. I really don't want to do that because in your over 200 posts in less that 30 days here on TUG I do find some of your comments informative.
It would be nice if you disagree to politely mention that once, and then let it go