Introduction: I was lucky enough to find this website during a Welks presentation 3 years ago as they were trying to sell me a 180k point developer package with benefits for ~$24k. The resale market proved invaluable and I instead opted to buy a 780k point package for $8.5k instead
. Since then, I have greatly enjoyed my membership as my family and I make regular trips to both the Northstar and Escondido locations - Northstar particularly as this whole process started as a means to make regular visits to the Tahoe area without buying the expensive real estate instead.
In the midst of this merger, I have been a little concerned with what may be a dilution of the Northstar property availability due to potential influx of HRC/HVC/HPP members (* I am not well-versed in the Hyatt/Marriott system yet so please excuse any improper terminology). As a resale owner, I am not entitled to the VIP booking windows that developer purchasers are entitled to, nor do I have access to the VIP inventory - they let me know that this is ~20%. During an owner's update/sales presentation, I was offered the opportunity to add 120k points to my package for $20k and convert the entirety of my points package off the 'resale' status to developer owned status - they considered my 780k point package as ~$105k worth of equity credit for a new total of $125k 'purchased' 900k point package. I took advantage of this as I was 'promised' that the VIP inventory would not change with the merger (trust bylaws?) and that Hyatt does not look favorably on resale owners and may instead have benefits for those with developer purchased points (perhaps no fee for HPP conversion?).
I know not to trust the sales reps and that there are no guarantees for their claims with the merger, but it was real nice to see that I had 'purchased' a 900k point package for $125k when in reality it only cost me $28.5k instead - I also considered some of the talking points valid during the presentation. Despite this, I have had second doubts about investing more money into a program that could potentially backfire after the merger is complete (not to mention I am sure Marriott will be pilfering owners for more money anyways with similar deals) and was looking for some comments/experience regarding the truth behind the presentation, if anyone has done something similar, and if this conversion is even worth it - I still have 1/2 a week to cancel.
In the midst of this merger, I have been a little concerned with what may be a dilution of the Northstar property availability due to potential influx of HRC/HVC/HPP members (* I am not well-versed in the Hyatt/Marriott system yet so please excuse any improper terminology). As a resale owner, I am not entitled to the VIP booking windows that developer purchasers are entitled to, nor do I have access to the VIP inventory - they let me know that this is ~20%. During an owner's update/sales presentation, I was offered the opportunity to add 120k points to my package for $20k and convert the entirety of my points package off the 'resale' status to developer owned status - they considered my 780k point package as ~$105k worth of equity credit for a new total of $125k 'purchased' 900k point package. I took advantage of this as I was 'promised' that the VIP inventory would not change with the merger (trust bylaws?) and that Hyatt does not look favorably on resale owners and may instead have benefits for those with developer purchased points (perhaps no fee for HPP conversion?).
I know not to trust the sales reps and that there are no guarantees for their claims with the merger, but it was real nice to see that I had 'purchased' a 900k point package for $125k when in reality it only cost me $28.5k instead - I also considered some of the talking points valid during the presentation. Despite this, I have had second doubts about investing more money into a program that could potentially backfire after the merger is complete (not to mention I am sure Marriott will be pilfering owners for more money anyways with similar deals) and was looking for some comments/experience regarding the truth behind the presentation, if anyone has done something similar, and if this conversion is even worth it - I still have 1/2 a week to cancel.