I have seen long scrolling lists of our war dead. I can't remember the last time, but maybe at end of 2011, a tribute to those lost that year.
Our local news does report war casualties and if "local" (state) they will do more of a story, which generally results in an onslaught of support for the surviving family. They also 'catch up' with them later, usually 3-6 months down the line, especially if one of the kids does something noteworthy.
IMO, there is just way too much fixation on "celebrities" in this country. I'm not sure why. We will definitely pay people to entertain us, but I don't get why people are So Interested in their real lives. But, People Magazine, Entertainment Tonight, on and on, these serve an audience, even if it's not me. I guess I'm more interestd in living my life than peeping about in someone elses, especially in the sensationalized packages available.
I further don't understand why anyone would want to be famous, what with all that digging around in your life. I'm happy being a nobody in nowhere, middle n. america. no one will broadcast my funeral and I am very very fine with that. If I have a Fashion Don't day at the grocery store, I can be certain I won't wind up on the cover of a magazine with unflattering remarks. I prefer to have my public humiliation on a smaller scale.