TUG Member
All looks beautiful!GROWING: I have a small herb & lettuce bed that I keep under bug/shade netting all summer to prolong the growing season. It works remarkably well! Today I harvested Dill (it's done for the year) Basil (just cut it back - it grows like a weed and I will have plenty all summer) Cilantro (I just cut it back, it may or may not come back) + 1 head of Romaine lettuce. In the area where I pulled out the dill, I planted more lettuce and radishes for later in the summer. It's supposed to be106º
tomorrow and the next day, so I also did some extra watering.
It's hard to tell from the picture, but the dill in the picture on the right is about 3 feet tall, so I harvested a lot of herbs! I'm going to dry the dill for pickles, salads, dressing, etc, and chop the cilantro and basil in the food processor (separately) and freeze it in ice cube trays, and then store in freezer bags in the freezer. This is a super easy way to store a lot of herbs, and when you need some for whatever you are cooking, you just drop in a cube of herbs for a fresh taste.
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My herb & lettuce bed looks rather funny, but it works so well! It gets so hot here, plus we have cabbage loopers and they LOVE lettuce and herbs. And yes, those are binder clips - I use them all over my garden to hold things in place. To get into the bed, I just unclip one panel while I work, and then clip it back on when I'm done. In each corner, there is a 5 ft. wrought iron rod driven into the ground to support the netting.