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Westin St. John [Master Thread]

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TUG Member
Dec 20, 2005
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Schrag and Werbel won hands down. We were at the meeting, but had to leave early. Two-Great points we saw: 1. When WSJ was touting a 9.41 guest satisfaction from a random survey, no owners in the room had ever received such a survey over like 10 years...2. Starwood said there was a "unit availability" email that regularly got sent to owners, yet no owners in the room had ever received one. Starwood announced there was a computer glitch that prevented WSJ owners from receiving it but that it was corrected right then and there. BTW cookies were phenomenal!

Wow - that is great news! :clap:

Hopefully - a first step for a positive change for WSJ Owners and movement toward transparency and accountability.
Never saw a survey or an email on unit availability (whatever that is...)

WKORV next... ?


TUG Review Crew
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Mar 10, 2007
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'burbs of Cincinnati, OH
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Used to own: WKORV-N; SVV - Bella
Great news!! Congrats on winning a good fight. Good luck in taking back control of your resort.


TUG Member
Dec 20, 2005
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Great news!! Congrats on winning a good fight. Good luck in taking back control of your resort.

Here are the voting results as forwarded to me by Tugger GeneNWendy:

Out of 45,840 weighted votes cast, the persons who received more than 1,000 votes were:

Schrag 10,806
Werbel 9,596
DeClemente 5,056
Peters 3,712
Heckler 1,870
Babbitt 1,792
Dixon 1,682
Selwyn 1,242

Included in the above were 1,918 votes that Pauline Carter cast for the top two Intelliscan vote getters (Schrag and Werbel).

IMO - This voting shows how upset and united WSJ Owners have become:
- Not on list (>1000 votes) were the previous two 'Owner' Board members (Melissa Brookes and Walter DeCastro).
- The 2 Owners recommended by the newly formed Owner Group (and discussed/recommended here on TUG) received almost half the votes.
- The #1 vote getter is a Tugger!

Considering how many Owners were running for the BOD - this is quite an accomplishment, and goes to show what can be done if enough Owners unite.

Power to the People! :D

Now the hard part begins...
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Jun 2, 2010
Reaction score
Schrag and Werbel won hands down. We were at the meeting, but had to leave early. Two-Great points we saw: 1. When WSJ was touting a 9.41 guest satisfaction from a random survey, no owners in the room had ever received such a survey over like 10 years...2. Starwood said there was a "unit availability" email that regularly got sent to owners, yet no owners in the room had ever received one. Starwood announced there was a computer glitch that prevented WSJ owners from receiving it but that it was corrected right then and there. BTW cookies were phenomenal!

Good news. Keep updating and thanks for that


TUG Member
Feb 1, 2008
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turtlesdove3, ... "Yep! they fit in very nicely but mine's with Tom."

Your what? The election's over. Tom DeClemente is not on the board. Schrag and Werbel are. Maybe next time.

"Schrag 10,806
Werbel 9,596
DeClemente 5,056

Peters 3,712
Heckler 1,870
Babbitt 1,792
Dixon 1,682
Selwyn 1,242"

Not even sure how DeClemente got any votes at all, he was supposed to withdraw his candidacy in favor of Schrag and Werbel. The email that was posted last month (No. 423 in this thread) said:

"Tom DeClemente*
Stephen C. Dixon*
Gene Jaspan**
Cathleen Noland
Clay Peters*
Philip Schrag
Robert H. Werbel

* Nominated candidate who is withdrawing his candidacy in favor of electing candidates Philip Schrag and Robert Werbel"

Plus, DeClemente was even to have been the one holding and voting Schrag and Werbel's proxies! But, it's all over. The old board members have been voted off the island. ... eom
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Nov 9, 2009
Reaction score
Fort Lee, NJ

turtlesdove3, ... "Yep! they fit in very nicely but mine's with Tom."

Your what? The election's over. Tom DeClemente is not on the board. Schrag and Werbel are. Maybe next time.

"Schrag 10,806
Werbel 9,596
DeClemente 5,056

Peters 3,712
Heckler 1,870
Babbitt 1,792
Dixon 1,682
Selwyn 1,242"

Not even sure how DeClemente got any votes at all, he was supposed to withdraw his candidacy in favor of Schrag and Werbel. The email that was posted last month (No. 423 in this thread) said:

"Tom DeClemente*
Stephen C. Dixon*
Gene Jaspan**
Cathleen Noland
Clay Peters*
Philip Schrag
Robert H. Werbel

* Nominated candidate who is withdrawing his candidacy in favor of electing candidates Philip Schrag and Robert Werbel"

Plus, DeClemente was even to have been the one holding and voting Schrag and Werbel's proxies! But, it's all over. The old board members have been voted off the island. ... eom

Hi Jarta,

I wanted to clarify what happened during the election. Apparently once one was put on the ballot and it was mailed out to all of the owners, you technically could not withdraw your name from it. We did contact Starwood to see if it could be done, but they said it could not. Once the ballots were mailed out there was no turning back. That's why Declemente, Peters, and Dixon still got votes. They were still officially on the ballot even though they put their support behind Philip Schrag and Bob Werbel. You have to realize that Philip and Bob got all those votes because I sent e-mails to all 250 people in our Coalition putting our support behind them. Imagine how Tom would have done if we put our support behind him!! He came in third place when he didn't even vote for himself. Hindsight is always 20/20, but I wish we put our support behind him. The new Board members have shown no appreciation to me (only criticism for things I've done wrong) for basically handing the election to them on a silver platter without them having to any work on their own. For your interest, Clay Peters got 4th place because he said he was a retired member of the House of Representatives. By saying that one would think that he is a retired Congressman. In actuality he was employed by the House of Representatives as an aide.



TUG Member
Feb 1, 2008
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Gene, ... "Hindsight is always 20/20, but I wish we put our support behind him. The new Board members have shown no appreciation to me (only criticism for things I've done wrong) for basically handing the election to them on a silver platter without them having to any work on their own. For your interest, Clay Peters got 4th place because he said he was a retired member of the House of Representatives. By saying that one would think that he is a retired Congressman. In actuality he was employed by the House of Representatives as an aide."

Elections tend to be the same due to human nature - whatever the venue. It seems everyone has their exaggerations and warts and information they'd rather not be made public. Maybe Clay Peters was an aide to Mark Kirk. lol!

I'm sorry that electing new board members (Schrag and Werbel) didn't put a lid on bickering at WSJ - at least for a while. It's been less than 2 months since the election!

We all know that no good turn goes unpunished. I am sorry you are disappointed. But, before being elected to any HOA Board, those running have no obligation to anyone but themselves. After being elected, they have a fiduciary obligation to represent and exercise their best judgment on behalf of all owners. I hope Schrag and Werbel do so to the satisfaction of a majority of the WSJ owners. They certainly have the credentials to do a good job. GLTY! ... eom


TUG Member
Dec 20, 2005
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WKV (Scottsdale)
I appreciate the effort and I am glad for the outcome. I wouldn't underestimate the TUG vote (lurking) - in looking at the overall totals - more than the coalition could account for.

I am sitting at FLL waiting for our STT flight - should be at WSJ by 6PM. Phillip shares one of weeks - I hope to run onto him. Also going to the townhall (maybe)
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TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
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Warm up a couple of bar stools for us David. We're at the Hyatt Grand Cypress in Orlando getting over the loooong flight from HNL. Driving to Miami this afternoon for our flight tomorrow AM. Looking forward to meeting you and Robin!


TUG Member
Dec 20, 2005
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WKV (Scottsdale)
Warm up a couple of bar stools for us David. We're at the Hyatt Grand Cypress in Orlando getting over the loooong flight from HNL. Driving to Miami this afternoon for our flight tomorrow AM. Looking forward to meeting you and Robin!

Here... finally - but nothing compared to your travels.

getting all warmed up (or cooled down better still). Robin LOVES the kitchen remodel. (...me too)
...and finally a shower that isn't like a sailboat head.

got video...

guess it is time for a trip report...


Jun 6, 2005
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Northern, CA
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WKORV, WKV, SDO, 4-Kauai Beach Villas, Island Park Village (Yellowstone), Hyatt High Sierra, Dolphin's Cove (Anaheim) NEW: 2 Lawa'i Beach Resort!


TUG Member
Feb 1, 2008
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See the thread entitled "WSJ 2010 (wk 23/24) - Still is Still Moving to Me."

Lots of great videos posted by David. ... eom


TUG Member
Dec 20, 2005
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San Francisco Bay Area
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WPORV (Kauai)
WSJ-VGV (St. John)
WKV (Scottsdale)
Trip report! Pix of new renovations!?

(Anxiously waiting)


Trip report link is:

Weak this year - I have posted what I can video-wise on YouTube. My UW video camera is working and been spending time chasing fish - they do not seem to like having their photo taken...

I will post BV video of 2Bd loft - as soon as I can download to YouTube, but it may be a while.

Lots of mad (mad Owners)... and other strangeness - me... I am on vacation - so i skipped the Owners Meeting (with slide show...) - I don't need the stress - and from what I heard -I am glad I skipped it. They wouldn't have answered my questions anyway.

My Owner Update was great - Mike (aka Mickey...) was totally on level - and knew exactly where I came from - the closer was another story - luckily she gave up quickly... she wouldn't give me the Owner 'deal' prices - so I am not going to report them. (check-out interview must have been a record... ~30sec)
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TUG Member
Nov 2, 2008
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Starwood plans WSJ Special Assessments until 2020??

We couldn't believe it, but we went to the Monday owners meeting at 3:00 and Starwood had a slide which showed that the Virgin Grand Replacement Reserves will go on for another 9 years (at least) after this 3 year fiasco...We thought it was "3 and done!!". They were saying that from 2012 to 2020, they will be at about 52% of the initial amounts. Did anyone else get this impression from the slide show? This is a real bomb drop!! How much do we need in reserve?


TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
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Got this in today's email. Hope it's okay to post, if not, Moderator, kindly delete. Thanks !
Also, hope it's not a duplicate. I'm still trying to get the hang of Westin ownership and process all of the invaluable info on this thread.

" A Message from your Westin St. John Newly Elected Owner Representatives

Dear Fellow Owner at the Virgin Grand Villas:

We are the newly elected owner representatives on the Board of the Virgin Grand Villas – St. John Condominium Owners Association. We are writing to introduce ourselves and to let you know that we will try faithfully to represent owners’ interests on the Board. As our first step we have requested that Starwood allow us to communicate by email, as frequently as is warranted by developments affecting the villas, with you and all other owners who want such communication. So that we can most effectively represent your ownership interests, we also hope to hear your concerns, although (as our predecessors on the Board have made clear), some owners’ desires sometimes conflict with those of other owners.

You may know a little about us from the short statements on the election ballots. Philip Schrag is a law professor at Georgetown University. He was the first official Consumer Advocate of the City of New York, before beginning a full-time teaching career in 1971. He is the author or co-author of 14 books and dozens of articles on consumer protection, legal education, immigration, legal ethics, and many other subjects. He owns 3 units at Virgin Grand Villas and an every-other-year unit in Bay Vista, and he loves visiting St. John and snorkeling on the north shore with his wife Lisa Lerman (also a law professor), his four children, and his two grandchildren. His full bio is at http://www.law.georgetown.edu/faculty/facinfo/tab_faculty.cfm?Status=Faculty&ID=324

Robert Werbel has practiced law in New York City for more than 40 years, specializing in corporate and securities laws matters, as well as issues of corporate governance involving shareholders and boards of directors. Prior to that (from 1963-67) he was an attorney with the Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, DC. Since first becoming a Virgin Grand Villa owner in 1997, he has been enjoying St. John with his family (including children and grandchildren) as a welcome refuge from his day-to-day work as a lawyer. He was motivated to seek membership on the Virgin Grand Villas Board out of concern, shared with many other villa unit owners, over rapidly rising maintenance costs and certain of Starwood’s priorities that appear to be at variance with the interests of the owners.

We have each set up a dedicated email address to communicate with owners.

Phil Schrag - phil.schrag@gmail.com

Bob Werbel - robert.werbel@yahoo.com

June 2010 "

Beaglemom3 Owner WSJ week 32 Villa 3319
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TUG Review Crew
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Mar 10, 2007
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'burbs of Cincinnati, OH
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Used to own: WKORV-N; SVV - Bella
How nice to receive communication from the board. Great start!

Crossing my fingers that WSJ (and all Starwood boards) will start to represent owners' interests!


TUG Member
Jul 9, 2009
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So Cal
Got this in today's email. Hope it's okay to post, if not, Moderator, kindly delete. Thanks !
Also, hope it's not a duplicate. I'm still trying to get the hang of Westin ownership and process all of the invaluable info on this thread
Beaglemom3 Owner WSJ week 32 Villa 3319

Hi Beaglemom3, this is an irrelevant post...but I just noticed your avatar (take a look at mine!!). See you Thursday...Lakers in 7. :p

Sorry Denise, I know that I'm not supposed to post irrelevant posts but I couldn't help myself when I saw Beaglemom3's avatar. :eek:


TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
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Hi Beaglemom3, this is an irrelevant post...but I just noticed your avatar (take a look at mine!!). See you Thursday...Lakers in 7. :p

Sorry Denise, I know that I'm not supposed to post irrelevant posts but I couldn't help myself when I saw Beaglemom3's avatar. :eek:

J&J PM me so we do not derail the thread (and for a friendly wager !).

Sorry, Denise, me too. Have to respond here as, like the Celtics, I have no defense..... Please feel free to delete.

Youcha-wawa ! :eek:

Oh, you are SO right ! After last night's trouncing I am thinking of putting back my BoSox Avatar, however, I don't change colors during battle.

Simply put, you guys were awesome and we were really, really, really bad.

We are planning on turing it around on Thursday. :cheer:
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TUG Member
Dec 20, 2005
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Beaglemom - Thanks for posting - you beat me to it.

This was also received as a letter left at our villa front-door.

WSJ-VG (Hillside) Owners - please send you contact info (if you want to stay informed) to:

Phil Schrag - phil.schrag@gmail.com
Bob Werbel - robert.werbel@yahoo.com

NerdAlert - good to meet you and family at Honeymoon Beach (what a beautiful day - one of many). I did not attend the Owners Meeting (didn't need the stress - especially from what I heard). Could you post (or PM me and I will) the contact info for the SVO/WSJ management that were present?


Nov 9, 2009
Reaction score
Fort Lee, NJ
Regarding the meeting

We couldn't believe it, but we went to the Monday owners meeting at 3:00 and Starwood had a slide which showed that the Virgin Grand Replacement Reserves will go on for another 9 years (at least) after this 3 year fiasco...We thought it was "3 and done!!". They were saying that from 2012 to 2020, they will be at about 52% of the initial amounts. Did anyone else get this impression from the slide show? This is a real bomb drop!! How much do we need in reserve?

Hi Nerd Alert,

Do you recall who presented this meeting? Did anyone notify you that the meeting was going to take place? The reason I ask is that I've been in touch with several owners who are currently down in St. John and didn't even know that there was going to be a meeting. Also, one of the new Board members, Phil Schrag is down in St. John now through the end of next week. Do you recall seeing him there?

In case you don't already know, I have started the St John Virgin Grand Villa Owners' Coalition We are a group that began with about 40 people last September and are currently at 300 (and growing). We are a group of people very upset with the escalating fees and deterioration of service. It was our groups efforts that got Bob and Phil elected. It's a step in the right direction, but we have a long way to go. If you, or anyone else reading this, is interested in joining our Coalition, please send me a private message with the following info:

1. Name
2. E-Mail address
3. Regular mail address
4. Contact Telephone Number
5. Week # (s) owned at WSJ
6. Unit # (s) owned at WSJ

This information will be kept confidential. Once you provide it to me, I will send you more info about our group and a link to our owner's website.



TUG Member
Dec 20, 2005
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Gene - For me: I received a phone message when we arrived for week 23 - they are taking place on Monday Afternoons. I spoke to few Owners who attended and came away pretty dissatisfied, and some confusion about reserves and SVO discontinuing WSJ-VG subsidy (which has impacted MFs).

One of the main WSJ presenters was Director of Rooms - Arno Pfeffer (arno.pfeffer@westin.com) - the presenters handed out biz cards.

Arno was deluged with contacts during week 23 regarding an issue with a local family staying in B33 that was abusing their resort priviledges that had about 18 people using the upper pool to throw a party on Saturday - plus unsupervised children (<14yo) for a few days.
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Nov 9, 2009
Reaction score
Fort Lee, NJ
Gene - For me: I received a phone message when we arrived for week 23 - they are taking place on Monday Afternoons. I spoke to few Owners who attended and came away pretty dissatisfied, and some confusion about reserves and SVO discontinuing WSJ-VG subsidy (which has impacted MFs).

One of the main WSJ presenters was Director of Rooms - Arno Pfeffer (arno.pfeffer@westin.com) - the presenters handed out biz cards.

Arno was deluged with contacts during week 23 regarding an issue with a local family staying in B33 that was abusing their resort priviledges that had about 18 people using the upper pool to throw a party on Saturday - plus unsupervised children (<14yo) for a few days.


I e-mailed what Nerd Alert said to our entire Coalition of 300 people. Most people were rightfully upset. However this is the reponse of one of the other owners who attended that same meeting. I can give you his name in a regular e-mail.


This is so typical of your e-mails and members of your group to take a positive step by Starwood to present the facts and try to turn it around to a negative. The meeting was very positive and presented the facts of the budget. It was attended by me and also Phillip your new board member. Did the party below really believe that there would be no more replacement reserves in the budget going forward. There will always be replacement reserves required. They are projecting that the fees will go down after next year as we were told in the past. They also talked about the defaulting owners fees and how they are working to get ownership of the weeks so they can be sold and the money will go back to the owners. They have had success with getting owners this year to deed the weeks back without having to go the two year foreclosure process. They also indicated that the past due accounts account for about $200 of our fees per week. The information presented the facts and was very easy to understand. I believe the financial are audited every year. Maybe you should get a copy.

I also read your letter and you continue to state things that are not facts. The board did try to pass a special assessment to do the refurbishing and it was not approved because of a quorum. But the vote was overwhelmingly in favor of the the request since the units were 20 years old and in dire need of work.
The results of the vote and the process were explained at the meeting. The board does not need a vote to set the assessments on a yearly basis.
As for the unpaid fees, who do you think is going to take care of them until the week is sold and the money given to the owners? In regard to the privacy laws, they have changed dramatically since 1989. In regards to hiring a private company to manage the units I think this would be very negative for the project and the owners in many ways. I do not thing this represents the majority of the owners. This really seems to be your agenda directed by Tom and your secret group of seven with private conference calls to set your agenda to take over the board. I hope Phil and Bob are not still taking part in this group.

There are many things that we should be working on to make this the best time share project going forward. Cost control is always a priority and on going process. Your negative slant and hidden agenda will work against the majority of the owners for years and make this a project that will be considered as having problems, further eroding the values. Why not try to work with Starwood to formulate a plan that benefits all the owners.


TUG Member
Dec 20, 2005
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WKV (Scottsdale)
Hi Gene - gotta run to our anniversary dinner at Asolare, but wanted to quickly respond (but will expound upon later). I just spoke with NerdAlert at the resort (we seem to kept running into one another) - I think the important difference is in the terms used. There always have been replacement reserves - NA heard this as a continuation of the Special Assessment. If I understood correctly - the RR will be an average of ~$450/voi - I'd have to check what they were previously. What these reserves will be - and the overall impact of Deliquencies, and the loss of SVO subsidy (etc.) have on the MFs is of key importance - hopefully - a little sunlight will help - I plan to do what I can (as always).

Given all that is going on - this has been our greatest STJ/WSJ vacation so far (sans MFs and Spirit costing me $1500)... wish I had kept a better trip report - but took me a while to refresh... later
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