When I was in high school in the Twin Cities in the late 1960s, on Saturday nights we would occasionally go to Dudley Riggs' Brave New Workshop for the open session after the second show. The open session was totally ad lib, no cover, and no alcohol, so we could get in as teenagers. A regular feature was Dudley Riggs sitting on a stool on the stage by himself, with the early press run of the next day's Sunday Minneapolis Tribune, reading it, and ad libbing as he did so.
I remember one time when President Johnson dispatched Vice-Prez Hubert Humphrey on some foreign diplomatic work. Riggs simply read the headline, lowered the newspaper so he could peer at the audience over his reading glasses, and panned the room with a big smile on his face. The headline: "Johnson sends Humphrey Abroad". But when Riggs read it, he added just a bit of space between the syllables in "abroad".
It took the audience about four minutes to recover.