TUG Member
The best thing they could do now to stimulate point sales is to functionally co-mingle Trust/Legacy Points when making a reservation to remove this hurdle. It could be done (and I've discussed it in a different thread) but I've also learned that what I think is best for Marriott hasn't been what Marriott thinks is best for Marriott. So we'll see what happens in the future.
All the best,
This is exactly how the MVCI Asia Pacific Club points scheme operates. To use points at all you must buy into the points scheme at developer prices and buy sufficient to be allowed to then enroll your weeks for Overlay Points. Once that is done you can give up your week for the points required to reserve it - NO SKIM. Then you can use the pool of points to reserve at the MVCIAP resorts. They also have a online reservation system !!
So if they AP system found it possible to do why not the DC ?