In the "Main" part, a sofa sleeper in the LR will sleep 2, and they have a bathroom. The bedroom sleeps 2 upstairs where there's a bathroom. There's also a sofa sleeper up there on a balcony. It sleeps 2 and they would share the upstairs bathroom, but at least they have their own door to that bathroom, so both couples could keep their doors closed or keep them open but close the "other" door when in there.
The balcony is open to the high ceiling of the LR. The LR has a TV and so does the bedroom, but not the balcony, which would hear the downstairs one.
The lockoff is a large hotel unit with two big beds = 4 people and a TV and one bathroom with a kitchen on the wall with sink, fridge, microwave and I think a real stove of some kind. It has a single small window, a booth type of eating table and a kind of patio that doesn't seem very usable.
The lockoff is under the upstairs bathroom and the bedroom. The main LR goes all the way up to the high ceiling.
The main part is very lovely with plenty of open space and large windows. The lockoff is just a place to sleep, read, watch TV or get the heck out of. It would be fine as a second bedroom, where the up to 4 occupants could spend time in the big LR with the luckier folks.