Just another PostCard Company...
Recently attended seminar by a company from California called Direct Transfer they claim to want to help us get out of our contract for a fee of course. Similar pitch that time share people used. A presentation on why time shares are scams then they have a representative speak to you about how they can help, each time you decline the price came down and when one representative didn't convince us then they sent in some one else. My friend and I own a week each at westgate vacation villas and we want out of our contracts. Any suggestions??????
If you want "out" of your ownerships, you're much better off just trying to give away your timeshares for free, rather than paying someone to (...only maybe) get the ownership out of your name. Even if you have to pay the closing costs yourself ($100-$300), you're way ahead of whatever numbers you are being asked to pony up by this PCC.
For $15, you can become a TUG member and post your offer (at no additional cost) in the "Bargain Deals" forum. Giving it away sure beats paying these opportunistic parasites $1,500 - $3,000 (with absolutely
no guarantee that they will actually get your name
off the ownership), no?
P.S. After only belatedly seeing other posts above, placed while I was typing my input, if you still actually
owe money on your timeshare purchase, then
all bets are off.
No one is going to take over your debt when there are timeshares owned free and clear being offered for free all day, every day.