First off, I don't have one.
Have a cousin who had one, not the largest and not the smallest, but it was very nice, and he bought it brand new.
He bought it impulsively, and frankly I can understand that because every time I watch a show on TV
about the newest, latest greatest RVs, it's like a dream and I want one myself!
But then the next morning I always say, "What the heck was I thinking about?"
Anyway, after a few years my cousin was continually complaining about the costs, saying it was more than he ever bargained for,
but unfortunately there was nothing he could do. It obviously depreciated a lot, and after 15 years he sold it. Said it was a happy day.
He literally said, "the ball & chain is finally gone".
Frankly I've never understood the appeal, all considered, except for the freedom it might offer, and even that is debatable.
I think for some, not all, it's the thought of having an RV more than the actual experience.
Many people adore the lifestyle it offers, but I see them as staying away from the best areas of any destination,
and not being able to have the comfort of a nice hotel or timeshare, and that immediately turns me off.
What you do get is the "same old, same old" rooms, which you have to clean yourself, and the never-ending maintenance,
sometimes while on the road. Talk about maintenance fees!!! A timeshare's maintenance fee is nothing compared to an RVs many "fees".
And the "worries" in the back of your mind when you embark on a trip are what "could happen", you cannot escape that thought,
and that alone kept me from ever considering one.
To arrive at a wonderful hotel or timeshare condo, use the facilities, and leave without looking back is the only way to travel for us.
We've been able to go to so many more places.
An RV definitely restricts your choices of destinations and experiences, and we are not going to sacrifice that.
We've had an amazing life of vacations, and our kids have too....frankly, not possible with an RV.
That said, if you want to see what it's like, rent one (more than once) and see how you like it.
It's the same advice I give for those considering timeshares!!!
Not much difference in that you never know about anything until you see how it does for YOUR family. We're all different.