the CWR seems to handle it - pets are only allowed in certain building.
secondly the pet rooms have alot less carpeting - than their normal rooms.
no carpet in anything except the bedroom.
so yes they can clean up pretty well. I was very surprised at how well they do clean up.... I ran a wet paper towel across the floor (

) and it came up clean....
Now Spicey is still a little upset (he can smell the other animals) for a day or two - but then he settles down.
however they did something I found strange - they put a person with pet allergies into the pet allowed rooms????
either she forgot to tell them (which I think was the case) or they place was completely filled and they had no choice.
If somebody is stupid enough to travel with a pet that has fleas...
well I don't want to be around them period....
I am allergic to fleas - so is Spicey - his fur drops off (he is a semi-long hair cat) and I break out in a rash and itch like crazy.... oh I don't even want to think about that....
Now I am allergic to dogs...but hey allergy medicine has come a L O N G way....if I remember to wash my hands before putting near my face I am okay...
if I still react - I ALWAYS kept some allergy medicine close... here at work, home, car - and when I vacation on me. You never know when you will need to stop an reaction.
I would have a BIG problem going to a public school these days....there no medicine clause would have me in the hospital on a regular basis....