The core problem in attempting to do what is being asked here is that, with the current back office system, basically the AC would have to submit a date based search for each day of the month displayed. The back office system, when it receives the call for the AC display, provides the initial search result back that displays what we will call "rough availability", and then once you click on a specific start date, it performs another search at that moment and then returns back search results that, in this case, show the "no contiguous stay" result. Using the back office as it is today, this would mean the AC would have to submit 30+ searches, just to initially display the AC - which was looked at - and was declined by the back office team due to performance constraints. To offer up this function, the back office system needs to be changed to actually build and maintain new search indices that would have this data readily accessible and returnable in the resultsets such that the AC could then pull that data easily and display only dates that have contiguous availability. This is on Wyndham's radar - but it's not going to happen until fall timeframe best estimate.