That is a good looking bunch!
Beautiful blue eyes on Kai.
Thanks! They make a fine trio.
We had two cats we'd adopted back in 2002, a brother and sister kitten pair who had claimed us during a spontaneous local pet rescue adoption visit. We gave them a fine life for thirteen years, but sadly, they passed within a month of each other last year, shortly after Kona came to be with us. (One had a severe stroke and had to be put to sleep, and the other had an undiagnosed thyroid condition that left us no choice but to put her down, too. Very tough time for us.)
We waited over a year, till we were sure it was time to adopt a new kitten, and then the hunt began. We discovered Kai at a cat rescue group in Seattle, when he was posted on their website. (We're both firm believers in adopting rescue animals, and in spay/neuter programs. All three of our animals are neutered.)
We drove the 75 miles to Seattle early on a Saturday morning, and stood first in line for more than two hours at the rescue group's doorway, waiting till they opened for adoptions. During the wait, Kai repeatedly came to the screen door and made friends with us through the screen. When they opened for adoptions, we had first pick - he was our only choice, and we adopted him. The dozen people behind us in line were a bit upset, since they'd come for him as well, but we knew Kai would be the first kitten adopted that day. And we knew he was meant to be ours.
He's an amazing kitten, extremely self-confident and interactive, and we couldn't be happier. Cody and Kona were a bit unsure of everything for the first several days, but once they figured out the cat wasn't leaving, they settled down, and now everybody is good friends with everybody else. It's a good thing. If the forces of nature come together, I hope I may be able to get a decent picture of them sleeping in a heap sometime.