Opened your picture and said this out loud, "Oh Gah! STOP! You. Are. Killing. Me! with cuteness of course
I've got two smooths (wash and wear, I call them...less grooming) but your LH's are just gorgeous. And if they have the temperament to match, you are one lucky guy!
Congrats...I knew when you started your search you would revert back to dachshunds. I just knew it. Once bitten...there is no way out.
Kona is a kutie! I'm sure the boys will be BFFs in no time. One is fun, two are a joy.
Which puppy dog is cuter? Oh my gosh! They are both so stinking adorable I can't stand it. Can I come over??? Congrats on your new baby!!!
Dave the dogs are adorable. I have a Yorkie. My breeder not only crate trains them but also litter box trains them, so no walking in our harsh winters!!
Cody and Kona have been together two weeks now. They've sorted out their curiosities, and have each decided the other is pretty cool. They're starting to do everything together now. I'm really happy, and I think they are too.
I took this picture this afternoon. Kona was 10 weeks old yesterday. Cody will be 21 months old next week. They're going to be a great team.
Cody and Kona have been together two weeks now. They've sorted out their curiosities, and have each decided the other is pretty cool. They're starting to do everything together now. I'm really happy, and I think they are too.
I took this picture this afternoon. Kona was 10 weeks old yesterday. Cody will be 21 months old next week. They're going to be a great team.
OMG. Cutie pies.
I am not familiar with this breed of dog is it a dauchund mixed wth another breed?