Hi, Brian,
Over the past 20 years I have taken time to take photos of resorts and label many of the photos I submit to TUG. Checking a few resorts on the web site, most of the photos no longer appear which leads me to believe there's no point taking photos going forward. But I must admit we are winding down our WorldMark credits and using Home Away as a source for booking our vacations when planning to stay in one place for a week or more.
We have enjoyed our relationship with TUG and believe you and your crew have done an excellent job improving TUG since taking over for your dad. The web site today is quite a change from when we first joined TUG in 1998 or 1999.
Thank you for continuing to offer timeshare owners an unbiased web site providing unedited commentary without developer influence.
Mark Beales
TUG Lifetime Member
On my end, things aren't looking the way I imagine you are wanting them to. Using Chrome Version 83.0.4103.116 (Official Build) (64-bit).
Clicking on a resort:
View attachment 22589
takes me to this page:
View attachment 22590
instead of the 'description' page as I'd imagine. If I click on the 'xx reviews' button it also takes me to that page, even though I see it's pointing to a reviews link.
From there, clicking on the 'Description' button brings me here:
View attachment 22591
where you can see the TUG logo obscures whatever is behind it, and there are no descriptions. Now you're saying, "ah ha! you haven't logged in" ... which leads me to ask if you don't really want to present a 'please register or log-in' dialog? Are the listings restricted to registered members, or can anyone see them?
I also find that with the logo that size, I am unable to click either on 'Description' or 'Ratings and Reviews'. Selecting 'View Resort Images' redisplays the page - there is no message saying there aren't any photos for this resort.
I logged in, and the only change I saw was that there were bubbles with counts next to some of the selections now:
View attachment 22592
Same giant logo obstructing selections, and landing page that doesn't give descriptions.
I stopped there![]()
Secondly, I like to know who submitted the review. It helps me frame my take on it. If someone is reviewing an independent resort, but I know they only own Marriotts or some such, then I might take the review a little differently.It helps me determine author's bias, if you will. Now, I'm only seeing numbers at the bottom of the review.
I agreed to have my username displayed. My username was displayed on the previous format, but the new review format lists my TUG #. I didn't change any settings. All the reviews I clicked on displayed member #, not username. I presume the username option was toggled or ignored when you cutover to the new pages.members have the option to display their login ID or not on reviews. it has always been this way.
It gets even more interesting. If I go to "My TUG / Settings" then "My Reviews" I see my username at the bottom of each review. If I get to the reviews by searching for a resort, then I see my member #.interesting, ok ill pass this along! thanks!
we can edit the gps coordinates manually if google loaded some other resort instead...the international ones are especially tricky in how they all have different formats for city/state/zip vs US based ones, so we put in a way to manually enter the actual gps coordinates.
i just updated it, so let me know if it shows properly, as well as forward the image issue on to the dev team.