does anyone have experience with marriott maui properties and Starwood
maui properties?
which is more attractive marriott or maui and why?
does anyone have experience with marriott maui properties and Starwood
maui properties?
which is more attractive marriott or maui and why?
Both are wonderful properties. We own at Marriott and have also stayed at the Westin villas. I love MOC but may actually prefer Westin. It is a very close call. HOWEVER, I would advise buying at MOC in the new towers rather than at Westin for one important reason--the maintenance fees at the Westin are MUCH higher. The difference was close to 50% greater, or at least it was 3 years ago when we attended a presentation there. I think the Westin maintenance fees for a 2BR are probably at least $3000/week now. Someone else may be able to give an exact figure.
As far as Maintenance Fees based on owners update at both places these are what I was told as approximate figures
WKORV appx 2150
WKORV-North appx 2350
MOC sequel apx 2100
That is interesting to say the least. When they tried to sell us a 2BR at the Westin three years ago the maintenance fees were around $2700. We own at the new towers at MOC, so this difference really hit home. There must have been a maintenance fee reduction since then--perhaps it had something to do with their tax appeal? Did Starwood win that lawsuit?
Wow. That is quite a difference in maintenance fees between regular and deluxe 2BR units. Any idea why so great?You probably had the deluxe 2Br which is larger in square footage being a corner unit. I was just looking into one of these and the maintenance is now just under $2900, so I took a pass on the unit.
Wow. That is quite a difference in maintenance fees between regular and deluxe 2BR units. Any idea why so great?