As I am about those that think it is proof of the intent to deceive.
Not deceive but to steer.
As I am about those that think it is proof of the intent to deceive.
let's put motive on the table.
My motive-I own 4 weeks.
I just paid quite a bit in fees.
There is a group out there that is crying foul play against Marriott.
I bought in because of Marriott.
I want Marriott to remain.
I want Marriott to respond.
I have quite a bit of investment that I want to protect.
I wander at times about Eric and Susan's motive.
Non owners who are very determined to buck the group and discredit them.Why?
I do not follow your rationale at times.
What gain do you expect?
Your responses sometimes make me feel like I am reading the letter from Marriott.
At times you seem like the Trojan horses on this blog.
They get permission to list those people.Also, speaking of Marriott maintaining privacy, when we were at the sales presentation when we bought our MAO week, I specifically remember being handed a binder that listed the names & addresses of the MAO owners. It was a sales tactic "look at all the owners in your area". I remember looking up towns in the 4 states we had lived in. They even left us alone with the binder. I could have torn out as many pages as I had wanted to & taken them with me.
An thus I think we're down to the fundamental difference, those that are ready (for whatever reason) to assume the worst about Marriott and accept the accusations as the sole facts and those that are unwilling to accept the worst case scenario and the accusations at face value without more proof. I have seen NO ONE that is simply saying Marriott all the way. Carried a step further, those of use who have been willing to look at both sides in an objective way have been either accused of not mattering because they don't own there or as idiots because they don't take the accusations as fact. In addition, many of us have pointed out that even it the accusation about the roof are totally true, Marriott has offered to pay roughly half of a depreciating asset, very fair in my book. And some of us have pointed out the obvious, if you truly believe the worst case scenario why would you want to own at this resort, or any Marriott for that matter. IMO, the core ethics of the BOD and MVCI have been questioned and insulted AND the average member there has likely been hurt by the actions at hand rather than helped.let's put motive on the table.
My motive-I own 4 weeks.
I just paid quite a bit in fees.
There is a group out there that is crying foul play against Marriott.
I bought in because of Marriott.
I want Marriott to remain.
I want Marriott to respond.
I have quite a bit of investment that I want to protect.
I wander at times about Eric and Susan's motive.
Non owners who are very determined to buck the group and discredit them.Why?
I do not follow your rationale at times.
What gain do you expect?
Your responses sometimes make me feel like I am reading the letter from Marriott.
At times you seem like the Trojan horses on this blog.
Do you remember that show Green Acres? The part where Eddie Albert starts making a speech and you hear patriotic music in the background. Ok - cue sound....
I am here on principle. I know an evil developer when I see one, and it is not MVCI.
I see the majority of what the crusaders do here as an attempt to "steer" opinion in their direction. Otherwise they would not have picked TUG as the platform for this crusade, nor made this the longest running thread on TUG.
I see a need for someone to balance their viewpoint, with a more moderate one.
Now we have been at this for a long time. I have asked a number of salient questions, without many answers. I get speeches in return. Well shut me with facts, not opinions.
I also am dismayed that some people can have an opinion so strong, that it allows them to ignore certain key facts that do not support what they are saying.
If they simply offered a fair and balance report, without injecting their bias. I would not be here at all.
ps. I am also involved in three other threads where I do not own. There I am trying to help the owners fight a developer that is abusing the system. I know the difference in regard to MVCI.
Once again we get to the problem. You and a couple others on here simply wish to argue. Whenevr someone presents a "fact" you call it opinion . Whenevr one of your group of detractors presents an opinion you call it "fact". You are prepared to accept that Marriott has done nothing wrong here, that the offers they made, that their actions to prevent the owners from knowing the contents of reports, that their scheme to get rid of Allan, etc etc. is all OK. Thats fine but its your opinion. Matter of fact I dont think you have presented a single "fact" in any of this while I have heard far more "facts" from the other side. And that is exactly why Im not about to enter into an opinion debate with you or anyone else. I dont give a ---- if you dont like the "fact" that I posted the letter from Marriott. As I said after speaking with a number of people about it, and getting at least 10 opinions, I didnt think it could be cause for debate. Silly me. As I said Im going to be far more interested in the outcome from the case when it progresses than I am in debating with you . It is for that reason I am not going to jump to the bait of your supposed questions when you throw them out as bait. You are simply looking to debate your opinion with mine and I think its a waste of time. You are not going to persuade me anymore than I am going to persuade why in heavens name would I waste my breath ?
I doubt very much that Mark came to start this thread expecting to steer people as you called it however. I expect that he like most other owners who are aware of the circumstances was upset at what they saw Marriott doing and was attempting to make the ones who didnt know aware. I doubt he would have expected so much non owner
Do you remember that show Green Acres? The part where Eddie Albert starts making a speech and you hear patriotic music in the background. Ok - cue sound....
I am here on principle. I know an evil developer when I see one, and it is not MVCI.
I see the majority of what the crusaders do here as an attempt to "steer" opinion in their direction. Otherwise they would not have picked TUG as the platform for this crusade, nor made this the longest running thread on TUG.
I see a need for someone to balance their viewpoint, with a more moderate one.
Now we have been at this for a long time. I have asked a number of salient questions, without many answers. I get speeches in return. Well shut me with facts, not opinions.
I also am dismayed that some people can have an opinion so strong, that it allows them to ignore certain key facts that do not support what they are saying.
If they simply offered a fair and balance report, without injecting their bias. I would not be here at all.
ps. I am also involved in three other threads where I do not own. There I am trying to help the owners fight a developer that is abusing the system. I know the difference in regard to MVCI.
The thread is so long because you and others that are not owners continue to post to it. If you didnt spend so much time it would be pages and pages shorter. The only information that the crusaders would post would be updates and responses to the non-owners who continue to ask questions and justifications. You are one of the most active posters. Thanks for keeping it open we truly appreciate your support.
Once again we get to the problem. You and a couple others on here simply wish to argue. Whenevr someone presents a "fact" you call it opinion . Whenevr one of your group of detractors presents an opinion you call it "fact". You are prepared to accept that Marriott has done nothing wrong here, that the offers they made, that their actions to prevent the owners from knowing the contents of reports, that their scheme to get rid of Allan, etc etc. is all OK. Thats fine but its your opinion. Matter of fact I dont think you have presented a single "fact" in any of this while I have heard far more "facts" from the other side. And that is exactly why Im not about to enter into an opinion debate with you or anyone else. I dont give a ---- if you dont like the "fact" that I posted the letter from Marriott. As I said after speaking with a number of people about it, and getting at least 10 opinions, I didnt think it could be cause for debate. Silly me. As I said Im going to be far more interested in the outcome from the case when it progresses than I am in debating with you . It is for that reason I am not going to jump to the bait of your supposed questions when you throw them out as bait. You are simply looking to debate your opinion with mine and I think its a waste of time. You are not going to persuade me anymore than I am going to persuade why in heavens name would I waste my breath ?
I doubt very much that Mark came to start this thread expecting to steer people as you called it however. I expect that he like most other owners who are aware of the circumstances was upset at what they saw Marriott doing and was attempting to make the ones who didnt know aware. I doubt he would have expected so much non owner
She did not fail at all.The response was what I thought it would be.
I'm scratching my head at those who don't get it.
let's put motive on the table.
My motive-I own 4 weeks.
I just paid quite a bit in fees.
There is a group out there that is crying foul play against Marriott.
I bought in because of Marriott.
I want Marriott to remain.
I want Marriott to respond.
I have quite a bit of investment that I want to protect.
I wander at times about Eric and Susan's motive.
Non owners who are very determined to buck the group and discredit them.Why?
I do not follow your rationale at times.
What gain do you expect?
Your responses sometimes make me feel like I am reading the letter from Marriott.
At times you seem like the Trojan horses on this blog.
Hmmmm. Motive? I don't think I have a motive. One day I stumbled into this thread and it interested me in the same way that most every thread on this Marriott board interests me. I started reading and thinking about responses so often that I just joined in the discussion. Easy as that, with no ulterior motive at all.
One thought that's rattling around - how much of a good purpose could this thread serve if all of the posts were offered by members of the "concerned owners" group, with absolutely no contest to any of the information contained in those posts? Especially when you consider that some of the information from those members has been flat-out incorrect, nevermind written with a bias against Marriott/MVCI/the MAOC BOD?
This group has some legitimacy, no doubt, but it has not performed actions as well as it could have in some instances. (That's not meant as an insult; please don't take it as one.) Why is it harmful for non-owners to point that out, especially as they are at the same time pointing out other possible solutions to the issues here?
Sue, I spoke with Allan the other day and he welcomes Eric and you to contact him directly if you think you have better options than the ones already being pursued.
I appreciate that offer, I do, but how can I make any suggestion of options that are better than what's being pursued, when I don't know what's being pursued? I'm not being facetious here; just take a look at the posting history of all of the players here.
What I've seen throughout this thread is that Mark posts his version of something that's been done already in a posting style which is (deliberately?) inflammatory with just enough information to rile up the owners, without actually giving concrete details about what has been done already, and then the rest of us discuss the "what ifs" as they could be related to what he's posted, which leads to a discovery of something closer to the truth than what he'd posted previously. That sounds very convoluted and it is, I agree, but it's exactly what happened with that failed petition submission as well as other actions Mark has taken.
Now if Mark was to instead post his idea of steps that he believes can be taken to protect his and the other owners' interests, then the rest of us can dissect and suggest to our hearts' content in order to flesh out the best-possible-scenario actions. Or if he was to simply ask what the rest of us, as MVCI owners, would do if we were in your situation (and actually be open to the responses rather than think they are offered simply to be contentious,) then it's possible that we non-owners would feel that our input is welcomed. That attitude, in my opinion, hasn't come across in any of his posts.
This group has some legitimacy, no doubt, but it has not performed actions as well as it could have in some instances. (That's not meant as an insult; please don't take it as one.) Why is it harmful for non-owners to point that out, especially as they are at the same time pointing out other possible solutions to the issues here?
Sue, I spoke with Allan the other day and he welcomes Eric and you to contact him directly if you think you have better options than the ones already being pursued.
The only reason I can think of that a correct submission to the BOD has been replaced by the request for all owners' names and addresses, is because Mark/Allan want to increase the numbers of owners who join in to the cause. Perhaps because the attempt will be made to not only request the special meeting but also to increase the number of concerned owners who will actually vote against MVCI/the BOD? That makes some sense especially following the last vote results. But again, without Mark offering the details of why he is taking certain actions, we're left to guess.
The only reason I can think of that a correct submission to the BOD has been replaced by the request for all owners' names and addresses, is because Mark/Allan want to increase the numbers of owners who join in to the cause. Perhaps because the attempt will be made to not only request the special meeting but also to increase the number of concerned owners who will actually vote against MVCI/the BOD? That makes some sense especially following the last vote results. But again, without Mark offering the details of why he is taking certain actions, we're left to guess.
Well, if that is the reason, I hope that somebody qualified has reviewed the MAOC documents to determine exactly what the number of votes needed to overcome MVCI's "B" votes would be. Because if the MAOC setup is the same as that at Shadow Ridge (again, the only resort's governing documents that we've been able to access electronically,) then the number of "B" votes held by MAOC isn't a set number, but rather one that's subject to a certain formula as stipulated in the documents taking into account several factors.
Sue, I think you might be posting to yourself.
Eh, that's no different than what they tell me here when they hear me talking and don't see anyone around. What you and they don't understand is, my dawg is always by my side and he understands every word I say/write.
Once again we get to the problem. You and a couple others on here simply wish to argue. Whenevr someone presents a "fact" you call it opinion . Whenevr one of your group of detractors presents an opinion you call it "fact". You are prepared to accept that Marriott has done nothing wrong here, that the offers they made, that their actions to prevent the owners from knowing the contents of reports, that their scheme to get rid of Allan, etc etc. is all OK. Thats fine but its your opinion. Matter of fact I dont think you have presented a single "fact" in any of this while I have heard far more "facts" from the other side. And that is exactly why Im not about to enter into an opinion debate with you or anyone else. I dont give a ---- if you dont like the "fact" that I posted the letter from Marriott. As I said after speaking with a number of people about it, and getting at least 10 opinions, I didnt think it could be cause for debate. Silly me. As I said Im going to be far more interested in the outcome from the case when it progresses than I am in debating with you . It is for that reason I am not going to jump to the bait of your supposed questions when you throw them out as bait. You are simply looking to debate your opinion with mine and I think its a waste of time. You are not going to persuade me anymore than I am going to persuade why in heavens name would I waste my breath ?
I doubt very much that Mark came to start this thread expecting to steer people as you called it however. I expect that he like most other owners who are aware of the circumstances was upset at what they saw Marriott doing and was attempting to make the ones who didnt know aware. I doubt he would have expected so much non owner
You have plenty of ways to know about the increase and SA without this thread. I'm not simple, but I do swing between philosophical and practical on such matters depending on the specifics at hand. Fees went up because costs went up. The SA was in part related to unexpected costs. They have no choice but to either charge owners the actual costs OR to let the resort suffer and postpone certain maint issues. Or they could compromise like Beachplace tried to do and Marriott wouldn't let them, Marriott was in the right in that situation IMO. I respect that you made a judgement and acted on it and it likely was the best choice. I made the decision up front NOT to buy there largely for the reasons you sold.I read this thread every day. Mark helped me know the facts - the simple facts - fees up to 1700 and big SA. I sold. Thanks, Mark.
Sue, we know you like to post and you opened this thread back up. It was not really showing on the first page until you resurfaced it by creating numerous other posts. I gave you and Eric the option to speak with Allan and you continue to not what to do that, I guess you dont want to really hear a balanced view or make any constructive criticism. If you did you would take him up on his offer.
I do get it, Modo. You think that the wording of the letter was deliberately crafted to mislead the readers into thinking that the owner who made the request for their personal information would use it nefariously. And you think that those of us who "saw" that nefariousness were led to see it, rather than thinking of it on our own.
Would it make any difference if I said that because of us being bombarded with threats of fraud/identity theft everywhere we turn, most people would "see" that nefariousness in even the simplest letter that the BOD could have crafted? For example, I'd see it in this:
"We have received a request from an owner to release your personal information to him/her, including your name and address, so that s/he can contact you directly with information that s/he considers pertinent to all owners."
If I received that, my response (and I know Don's response!) would still be, "No way," with an attempt to get further information about the issue from the resort GM and/or MVCI's officers.
And again, I would in no way expect the BOD to include in the letter any information whatsoever that would make it easier for the person requesting the owners' list to state his position. None. That owner is an adversary of the BOD. Would you expect that owner to make the BOD's position more clear to other owners?
I opened it back up because after being away for the weekend, there were new posts that I hadn't seen yet. And yes, I like to post, in this thread and a few others that interest me.
What is the difference between Mark or Allan reading constructive criticism here (from anyone who's participating) and them reading it in a private email or hearing it on the telephone? If they are receptive to the criticism, then the medium is not going to make a difference. And I'm not going to say anything different elsewhere than what I write here, that's for sure.
I'm not sure I get the, "you don't want to really hear a balanced view" thing, though. I do, but not in a private conversation. That lends a certain "mystery" to the issue that I don't think is constructive. If Mark and Allan are correct, there should be no worries about what they post publicly.