I do feel that at one time this crusade was actually about transparency. I think that time has passed.
But I want to keep an open mind, what steps should the BoD of the AOC take to provide you with the transparency you want? Please do not just say "be more transparent". What specifically do you expect a new BoD to do?
In their last letter, they seemed to provide considerable information and the engineering report. As noted, they have issued numerous communications in regard to the concerns of the owners.
What more would you ask them to do, in order to operate in a more transparent matter? Keeping in mind that the threat of a lawsuit does constrain them in some regard.
You have received about 10 times the communication I receive from any of my resorts (both MVCI and not).[/QUOTE
The bod and Marriott have refused to release all the engineering and mold inspection reports. They have not answered the questions of the owners, which has been posted here many times.
You can think what you want; Allan did not release anything to me that was confidential. He shared with me everything he shared with anyone that asked him regarding property I had ownership in. At least he was willing to talk to owners which is more than I can say for the current board.
There is no transparency with the bod unless the group of owners sends out emails to mvci and Marriott. Then we get an email from them. This issue is about the lack of transparency and wanting a board that will fight for the owners and be open and honest with us.
We do have a lawyer that is doing everything that he needs to. You don’t have to believe we have a lawyer but we do and he is hard at work. Unfortunately the process is slow but we are making progress.
Not clear how you think transparency is supposed to work. You ask a question, and you get an answer.
You keep throwing the "transparency" label around. What are they failing to do, that you would expect an "owner friendly" BoD to do?
Given the legal action you have threaten them with, I think that they are withholding the reports is a natural event. But what is the difference between the reports they have issued, and the reports that you want them to issue?
Can you e-mail me documentation of the questions that were asked of them and that they refused to answer? Did you follow-up on the request? Obviously I am not an owner, and you do not need to do this. But if you wish to silence the critics, it would help. And it does not need to be me.
Do your by-laws contain a provision to inspect the records of the association? If so, have you made a formal request to conduct an inspection of those records, in particular the reports that you are seeking?
We can disagree on the information leak issue. I think the record on that issue speaks for itself. I understand that you feel it was information that you had a right to, and that justified the act. I am not in agreement with that opinion, nor is it supported by corporate governance standards.