I was given permission to post this. so dont shoot the messenger, but you will

. (I did clean up a few things that was in his email so it could be posted ... fair disclosure)
The annual meeting, dog and pony show, was held 5/15/09. I have been to annual meetings before, but was appalled by this one. First our extremely so called leader Frank Knox read his opening statement without looking up once, and still couldn’t keep his place or pronounce half the words. He then turned the meeting over to a parliamentarian who was brought in by Marriott to stop anything against their will from happening. She stopped everyone from complaining or asking questions by ruling “out of order” on questions asked or and wouldn’t allow comments, because it was detrimental to Marriott.
Allan Cohen, the only board member that has the peoples interest in mind was stymied in his attempts to try to get some motions passed that would have made the board transparent. Second the Financial Reports were never even mentioned, these should have been read and commented on!!!!
Melissa's financial committee discovered what I had, the $ 71.00 storm assessment times weeks owned equals $804,000 the cleanup cost $104,000, so it was way overstated, which basically means that, the costs are not supervised and the assessments are not reviewed by us, they are just sent out according to Marriotts’ whims. Where is the extra money going?
I spent 2 ½ hours with Cory, Elaine and Ricardo going over the draft financials and can see what they tried to do, but I do not agree to how they are doing this.
Third Marriott voted their shares, they never had before, and therefore stacked the board, Frank would have been out!!!.. My summary is this meeting should have just been termed Marriotts’ Dog and Pony Show, they told what they plan on doing with no input from us. If Mr. Marriott was there he would have died, this is his name that is being ruined… most people there said that they only bought because of the name.