I dont think 1000 owners are a small splinter group,not all of them post here but they have signed up with Marksue to be included. Thats a lot of uhappy folks. We would love to have the maintenance fees reduced since there is no longer ANY value in owning the ocean club. We know its not likely but our bigger concern is transparency.
Well, others have already mentioned that there is the very real possibility that some of those 1,000 owners may not have been aware of exactly what actions would result from their names being collected ... But even if all 1,000 have agreed to petition the BOD for a special meeting to oust three members of the BOD, your group is a minority group of owners. By definition that makes it a splinter group.
Again with the call for transparency, despite the fact that you have received unprecedented cooperation and communication from Marriott/MVCI/your BOD. I simply don't understand the call - especially as you want what you are not willing to give. After all, what is all this cloak and dagger stuff about supersecret official documents and not tipping your hands to Marriott about what your group is holding? Isn't that a lack of transparency on your part?
Would you be willing to pay $2300 a year for your timeshare? Really think about that, what would you do? Would you try to do something about it. If your fees went from 1100 last year to 2300 this year, would you take any action or would you say, "this is exactly what the contract dictates".
(Others have separated your $2,300 total into ongoing maintenance fees and single-use special assessment fees - I agree with that.)
I would be frustrated, yes. I would expect communication from Marriott and my BOD to explain the gigantic hike, yes (which you've gotten.) I would not attempt to perform legal actions without benefit of legal representation, and I would not involve myself in a splinter group that is making all the wrong moves for all the right reasons.
The contracts DO dictate that if I want to use my timeshares, I must pay the fees. I like my timeshares, and think I researched them enough to know that the fees are reasonable for the location/property/owner satisfaction, so yes, I would be willing to pay what's owed. I don't expect my fees, though, to increase percentage-wise as yours have, because a review of my resorts' Operating Budgets tells me that they are as on top of the current and future costs as can reasonably be expected.
Your maintenance fees have increased, according to your BOD's Operating Budget and subsequent communications, due to a lack of reserve collections (a fault of your former BOD) and unexpected exorbitant increases in the island's infrastructure and labor costs.
Your special assessment fees are due to, again, a lack of reserve collections for ten-year property enhancements and re-furnishings, as well as the unfortunate fact that the company who did your original roof is no longer in business which means that there is no warranty coverage for the repairs not covered by insurance.
current BOD are not at fault for these issues. Your
former BOD does deserve a good portion of the blame.
I would love to see other owners that you suggest might feel alienated by our actions continue to post their views. I know you and I will never see this issue the same way, I believe putting yourself in the situation is difficult to do but it is why we get upset about the whole issue. I do appreciate and trust that both you and Eric will continue to offer your opinions for two reasons: it keeps the issue alive and you do have some great input.
We have tried to put ourselves into your position, which is why we are offering opposing views that would make sense to us if we were in that position. And I don't think you'll have any problem with this issue dying a premature death. Some of us like to talk way too much.