Does all this mean that lawsuits have actually been filed to get the list of owners' contact info, because the majority of the owners did not vote to change the current provision? It's confusing because there's been no mention at all of lawsuits actually being filed to this point, and the last time the board mentioned legal fees they were only associated with the costs for Marriott and MAOC to correctly/legally respond to challenges made by the "concerned owners" group. I would think that if things are now progressing through the Court system (rather than through challenges to the bylaws and timeshare governing docs,) the costs will escalate further at a fairly rapid pace.
I know there've been comments throughout this from the "concerned owners" that Marriott has not been completely forthcoming with all info, but the level of distrust that exists now is really surprising. Are some of you seriously thinking that any of the big four accounting firms are in Marriott's pockets and are willing to suspend accepted legal practices and put their professional reputations on the line for one MVCI resort? I'm sorry, but I've gotta say that the idea is preposterous. I'm married to a Partner in an accounting firm and there is no way that the partners of PW or any other well-established firm would collectively agree to it.
Honestly, if I was at the point as some of you are where I distrusted Marriott so utterly and completely, I'd want no part of owning any Marriott timeshare. If any of you who do think this way can explain, I'd love to know your thinking process - why aren't you just selling your week(s) for whatever you can get and removing the negativity from your life?
(PS - Dave, I think ecwinch was being a bit sarcastic with his post about the auditors possibly being in Marriott's pocket, but it's good you offered some expertise about the auditing process.
