TUG Member
You see! Some people just can't leave my religion alone.:hysterical:
You see! Some people just can't leave my religion alone.:hysterical:
I seem to recall reading about an incident at the Playa Linda (Aruba) where I am an owner, of a man who got belligerant and verbally abusive with one of the beach employees. When the incident was brought up to management's attention, the owner was reprimanded and warned that his ownership would be revoked following a repeat performance.
Clearly, that kind of behavior is a violation of the code of conduct we must all adhere to. It's unbelievable to me that Marriott allows this to go on year after year.
Has anyone thought of contacting the organizers of this yearly event and listing the endless list of offenses being perpetrated by this group? Maybe they have a conscience.
Since this discussion is also going on in the mods forum to decide on things...ill ask you guys:
How do you know its one particular church/group/whatever that is causing all this trouble?
I have never understood this, or Marriott's defense that as owners the group has every right to be there doing what they're doing. It's preposterous.
Look through the governing docs for your resorts. There are myriad sections detailing what actions Marriott can take if the various common courtesy rules are not followed. There IS language which supports Marriott not allowing owners the use of their ownership if any owners/guests are negatively affected by others. In drastic cases there are allowances for suspending ownership.
I also don't understand minimizing this group's actions to only common courtesy infractions, "unruly children" or "children swimming without supervision." This group is required to put up a surety bond to cover damages, extra security and cleaning personnel, and compensation that Marriott pays out to owners/guests who can legitimately document that their vacations have been ruined. Do we know of any other situation where a surety bond is required?! No! This isn't a matter of a large group being insular and other owners/guests being made to feel they're outsiders. It's much more than that, and the governing docs do give Marriott the power to stop it. Why they don't is a mystery, although probably their financial gain is a factor.
Unless this group is causing property damage to the resort or engaging in illegal conduct, which might be grounds for Marriott to terminate ownership, I'm afraid other owners of Hell Week are stuck with this group.
Or better yet, next time, next year, get the cameras out and show the rude behavior -- this could go viral on YouTube! I bet you'll get someone's attention over this.
Moreover, for this particular situation, Marriott probably does not want to get the push-back it might receive from taking strong aggressive action against an organization that might claim that its being unfairly targeted for rude and offensive behavior. ...
So how about the "Event Weeks" at Marriott Resorts thread gets updated? It seems rather unfair to associate this whole fiasco with people from New York. It seems that the relationship to the NY Regents Exams is coincidental at best.
We woke up at the crack of dawn to reserve our seats at the pool, while away from the chairs our things were removed and thrown way back on the lawn and this same group decided it was their chairs. The group was large and intimidating... we opted to go to the beach and keep our distance. We will not travel again during the month of January
As I said earlier, all that Marriott cares about is money. This group has a lot of it and doesn't care to flaunt it.
A lot you are missing the point. You are pointing the finger at the children. It's not only them. What about the person they have have to have in the elevators because they can't push the button? What about the filth left in all the common bathrooms because they won't use the facilities in their room because they can't flush their own toilets? Wake up people! For those of you that don't think this happens, go and talk to the people that work at the SC or OC. After experiencing this a few years ago we always go after they have left. Don't know if its my southern charm or just that I am a polite person but I get praised by the way I talk to and treat the hard working people that have to endure this group.
As I said earlier, all that Marriott cares about is money. This group has a lot of it and doesn't care to flaunt it.