No, not something Kermit said!
I mean, it's hard for a person to do something about energy and resource conservation. . . you know, the Green Movement . . . you've heard of it?
I don't mean that it is hard to change your habits, cuz it's not. Instead of putting all your waste in a plastic bag to go to the landfill, you just sort it . . . cardboard, tin cans, aluminum, etc., and take it to Recycle.
What I mean is having to deal with the non-Green people.
Like at work, three of us have started recycling on our own, sorting the trash and taking the aluminum home every day. Actually, it's saving money for (the company) because it has cut down on the amount of trash, trash bags, etc. We still get all our work done so it's not costing (the company) any more for our efforts.
One, older,
set-in-his ways guy just laughs at us, makes fun of us and insults us, with comments like, "if you need a coupla bucks, I can help you guys out." He makes a point of making fun of us at least once a day.
He's totally clueless to what's going on in the world.
So, the Green Movement has to expend their energy doing the things it takes to be Green, plus the extra energy to deal with the detractors, carrying their load, too, and having to deal with them.
Anyone else run into this?
PS: Yesterday, after insulting me early, he tossed his soda can in the can barrel later.