And even if (I'd say "when" is more likely) the Windows phone is pulled from the market, it isn't like all those phones will suddenly cease to work.
Exactly like the excellent Palm/webOS line. But that is the very definition of niche & now there may never be another pure webOS based phone/tablet. The same fate appears to be in the cards for WP but only time will tell. The current hardware does have a limited lifespan no matter how careful you treat it or how much you like it.
I know I'm anti-MS regardless of the platform. But that doesn't change the very real fact that when they have attempted to step out of the PC realm their record - with only the Xbox even a possible exception - has been extremely bad. I did look at the best phone WP offers as well as read the detailed forums/news on the mobile website (talk about fanatics!). The prevailing opinion is that MS is following in Palms footsteps with smartphones and tablets. They don't have a product that is gaining traction despite heavy hype - and they don't have the "best" they've shown for sale.
There is an extremely small window of opportunity for each new product in that space. Palm/HP managed to miss it virtually every chance they had -and they got plenty - and MS is following the exact same pattern. Unless they surprise everyone and deliver sooner than expected - something they've never been able to do on any product- the competition will match & beat whatever they finally offer and the "best" will be another year or so away for them. That simply doesn't work in the portable device arena they don't control as they once did PC's (where they could seemingly get away with interminable delays & broken promises but now even that is under seige).