At a 30,000 ft level, the Interval group owning Starwood timeshare business is a little disquieting. So if sale went thru, Interval (ILG) would have control on the "Starwood" timeshare reservation systems, rules & policies AND the external exchange company with their rules and exchange logic. If you didn't want to use your home resort every year, e,g. primarily use as trader, you still have option to deposit into II. But potentially rules could become much more cohesive towards Interval's benefit & profit. There's less 'competition' per se to keep 'em honest, when it's all under one corporate umbrella.
this is what DavidnRobin and others alluded to in their 'buy where you want to go' posts. Personally I'm good with using my home resort or trading externally to go in shoulder season etc. Hope for the best and plan for the worst