TUG Member
Very nice resource! I had a question about how to identify the date when I placed an exchange request and received a response in less than 24 hours. 

Cool. My first question will be why do I see tons more availablilty with the free certificate they just gave me that expires in 2/2014 for no reason as opposed to my yearly a/c......perhaps the higher redemption fee.....
I have recieved notification today that Interval has created a special email address specifically for TUG members who need direct assistance with II questions/concerns/issues.
feel free to use this email for appropriate situations where perhaps the regular website or phone number is not getting you the information you need.
Often if you can't do it yourself online, then it is something that you would need to call your management company to do.
Just emailed II concerning an OGS trade match for a date prior to the check-in criteria I requested on my last contact.
I'll let you know how the issue is handled. Details intentionally missing to allow time for CS to respond.
Interval contacted me the very next morning and provided personal and professional support on the spot. The representative had already reviewed my portfolio and had the answers and solution to my problem.
This was personalized service in direct response to my TUG email.
If only all things were this professional and easy. Bravo II and TUG.
Since this problem happens not regularly but often enough that to hear it happened isn't a shock, what was the reason given and what was the solution given? Is it something regular users can do so it doesn't happen to us or is it something that would need to be cleaned up after it happens?
I have recieved notification today that Interval has created a special email address specifically for TUG members who need direct assistance with II questions/concerns/issues.
feel free to use this email for appropriate situations where perhaps the regular website or phone number is not getting you the information you need.
It's not a link - it's an email address.Brain, the link did not work.
Interval has created a special email address specifically for TUG members who need direct assistance with II questions/concerns/issues.
It's not a link - it's an email address.
I have been working with Mark since soon after I posted this message. So far no solution but I feel he is honestly working on it. Latest info is I think it does have something to do with my Android phone. I loaded the Interval App on my husbands Iphone and he is getting the alerts. I am not nor is my Android tablet. Anyone else with an Android having this problem?I have been having problems with the Android Interval App since April and their customer service has not been able to help me. My phone has stopped receiving the Getaway alerts when one of my favorites is available. I just know I am missing so many of the hard to reserve ones! I have talked to their IT department at least 6 times. Hopefully someone at this TUG link will be able to help me. I have no doubt it is operator error, but someone should know in IT what it might be. Thanks for letting me vent! Debbie