TUG Member
Our neighbors have a son who is 19, and just went off to college. He has always been a good student, and never been a problem to his parents. This week, he and a friend went to a store in the mall, and attempted to shoplift some T-shirts. When confrounted, they fled. Their son was caught in the parking lot, but proceeded to make the situation worse by punching the store employee, and a bystander that was helping. Instead of shoplifting, he is now charged with 2nd degree felony robbery, and 2 counts of assault. He furnished the name of the other boy, who is now facing a lesser charge, but has not been apprehended. My heart just aches for them, and I wonder what would be appropriate for us to say or do. How can we help them? I know that this is going to be very hard for them, and hard for them to face other people. They have struggled for years with a child with autism who is a year younger. Please don't comment on the act itself. We all know that his behavior was not appropriate. My only concern is how to help this family with what is going to be a long, painful process. What would you do to show your love and support?