HGVC has some awesome customer relationship management software. Some of you don't want to believe it, but they do.
First, the Concierge really only needs to know if you are eligible to attend an update and what they can offer. They also know when your last tour was and if you have future stays booked. The rules for eligibility can be fluid. For example, it is not uncommon for Hawaii resorts to have a one tour every three months rule, sometimes more frequent. Orlando and Vegas are often once per month but at times every stay can generate a tour. I've checked out of seaworld and into tuscany and have been on two tours within a span of five days in the past.
Second, the sales rep usually starts with a piece of paper containing your ownership history. Where you own, date purchased, equity, if you have a loan and current balance, interest owed if traded in on current date, points, type of unit. The paper includes any contracts that you rescinded. It also includes if you have a current unused VIP.
Third, the iPad has comprehensive data about you. It includes the number of sales tours you've been on, their dates, the sales rep.and closer for each tour, what you were offered, and other general notes about every tour. It also contains your HGVC reservation history, so they can tell you that your current stay is your xxx stay with HGVC. Of course, it includes detailed data about every purchase.
They know more about you than you think.