We converted are traditional ownership with Diamond to HGV so all of our points are under the HGV Max website.
HGV is the parent company of HVC (formerly HVC), HGVC, bHC, DEX, Embarc (whatever that club is called). HGV Max is nothing more than an exchange program with the other clubs. The club that you are in is still the same, THEClub (HVC/formerly DRI). HGV did add a frontend to integrate the login into the various clubs. HGV has made it sound like there is one club but it isn't. HGV has especially made it very confusing which I think is part of the plan.
I hope that helps explain but certainly doesn't answer your OP.
I have access to THEClub's website (I think) because one of my HGVC properties is allowed to exchange in DEX system. That site also looks like it has two website versions, Unified Website and Classic Website. I can only use the DEX part of the website and I will agree that looks antiquated. It is also extremely flaky. But I don't see the map with pins. I personally just search for a specific property like I do on the HGVC side. This is an assumption on my part, but I suspect that THEClub website hasn't changed much since HGV purchased DRI (the HGVC website hasn't changed). Hopefully, HVC/DRI members will be able to give you advice.