I see the value in renting points every once in a while when you run short.
But long term it would totally frustrate me
not having control over either my bookings or the peace of mind of knowing I wasn't getting scammed. Plus the availability aspect.
Also for long term we are on a 3 to 4 yr plan to retirement and then we hope to be able to utilize our TS much more as right now this "work thing" gets in the way to be able to travel as much as we would like. We also travel a lot with our daughter and BF, so we always need a 2 bdrm which takes more points.
I am so confused as to what to do........

from here.
When you already own points, and already have that account, and you rent points, they deposit the points directly into your account.
At that moment you still have complete control over your bookings, just as if they were purchased points. So I don't understand for a second
what you could mean. Your control is 100% intact, and the fact that the rented points were transferred into your account already
(no one can get them back out) gives you the peace of mind. I've done this many times and there's no loss of peace of mind.
The other major contention I have is that you are considering spending thousands of dollars to gain nothing extra.
You want to use your existing week to generate points each year? Go ahead. You have them and are using them,
so WHY get rid of the week and buy more of what you already had, at a great additional cost? doesn't make fiscal sense.
In your situation, I don't understand the willingness to waste money.
If you need more points for more future travel, rent more points. The renters listed now on the site are 100% legit and trustworthy.
You should try this approach first for 2-3 years and see what I'm talking about, then you won't have to shell out thousands for the
points purchase and ALSO for the maintenance fees. Huge savings = even MORE travel.