TUG Member
I thought weekend were not included. I am sick to my stomach right now.
It says due to FL law I have 10 days to cancel. Does that include weekends?
If it does and I miss the 10 day period do I have any other recourse?
Now it’s time to flip your mind and look at the positives. You have more points annually to enjoy. Think about all of the great family memories you will continue to make. Many of us have overpaid in getting where we are, but still enjoy the product and all that it it offers. As my old boss said many times….FIDO (forget it, drive on).I guess it doesn't matter now, I missed the 10 day window by 2 days. I just want to puke!
I was thinking of trying that. it says I can email them too, should I try both?Its unlikely to work, but you would only be out the cost of postage to try sending a recession letter today.
I was thinking of trying that. it says I can email them too, should I try both?
All they can say is no, and I am no further behind.
Exactly, all they can do is say nope sorry you missed the deadline. Its certainly worth a shot.
Hopefully they can’t count to 10. ;-)Well I emailed it. Wish me luck
You may be able to restructure to keep your week if you want by purchasing a lower number of points even if you can't cancel.Well I emailed it. Wish me luck
You may be able to restructure to keep your week if you want by purchasing a lower number of points even if you can't cancel.
I have heard of a couple of instances but don't have any way to know for certain. Obviously you'd have to get to them before they sent it off but worth a try.Has this ever happened to anyone outside the rescission period? My guess would be that their contracts department files deeds in the relevant counties as soon as as the deal is final. If so, that week may not even be in his name anymore.
Even if a deed is sent off for recording, doesn't mean they can't change the structure of the deal. The deed can always be conveyed back to the original owner.I have heard of a couple of instances but don't have any way to know for certain. Obviously you'd have to get to them before they sent it off but worth a try.
Certainly but realistically I doubt they would in this situation. If one is truly committed and past the cancelation window, you're looking for a win win. From MVC's standpoint they're effectively selling the difference in points and in this case, getting back and inferior unit comparatively speaking.Even if a deed is sent off for recording, doesn't mean they can't change the structure of the deal. The deed can always be conveyed back to the original owner.
There are several issues you raise here. First, you can always limit your rentals only to renters who are able to transfer points to your account (ones who cannot is only because those points have been previously rented or banked, but doesn't mean they are not trustworthy). And you can always protect yourself from scams by renting from "verified" renters, and asking the renter to show you a screenshot of their account with the points and their expiration date listed. I've been on both sides of transactions multiple times on vacationpointexchange and things have always been super smooth and quick. That doesn't say there isn't fraud on there - the site lists multiple instances of that, but I suspect it's a small fraction of all the transactions that happened there and common sense can protect you.
This is really a good point. If renting is not that appealing to you then you can buy 3000 destination points right now on Redweek for $6000. It will cost you an extra $9000 in fees to Marriott to get them to be part of the system. But that's still less than $20K (and you get to keep your gold week which you can use as a week or points).
Frankly, IMO the only reason (for an informed buyer) to buy points from Marriott is when the buyer also has post-2010 resale weeks that can also be enrolled in the points system as part of the transaction. Even then, if one already has access to the points system via other enrolled weeks the value is questionable, but at least you are getting in the transaction something you cannot otherwise get by buying resale.
For this example above you are saying the points would cost me $6000 and the extra fees would be $9000 so a total of $15,000 to get 3000 pts? this example above you are saying the points would cost me $6000 and the extra fees would be $9000 so a total of $15,000 to get 3000 pts?
Were you lucky with your late recision request? Curious how they handled things.Well I emailed it. Wish me luck
Thanks for letting us know. Sounds like they were more than reasonable in the circumstance and gives information for others who might be in a similar situation. I think for your situation #3 was best just for points, #2 best if you were in a position where exchanging would be beneficial. Now it's time to make it work. BTW, do they really report to credit bureaus, I'm not sure they do?Unfortunately no. But at least they had the courtesy to call me & email me before they did anything to make sure what I wanted to do. So my options were:
1. Default on the contract which would then hit our credit rating + they keep the funds we gave them to start the deal $2K
2. We could still get the points but drop the part of the deal where we give up our EOY week
3. Keep the deal as originally written.
After reading a bunch on Tug and then crunching the numbers we went with #3, as the MF for that week just aren't worth it. The reason being if we kept the week + the points we will now have we don't see ourselves able to use all those points every year.
I do have to say though that the guy I talked this through with was very nice and knowledgeable. Unlike the Salesman who still has not called me back even after several calls and leaving urgent voicemails.
I told my hubby, I can't wait to go to another sales meeting knowing full well I am not going to buy ANYTHING again, and question the hell of them and see what they "don't" know and how many questions I can throw at them. It will be fun to watch them squirm.
But it was worth a try......... and I have learned a lot over this . Unfortunately it cost me a lot to learn. Now onto how to best use what I got and see what I can do to recoup some of the MF.
Thanks for asking.
Unless there was a loan, I doubt there would actually be a report to the credit bureaus.To us it is not worth the chance to find out if they report or not. A default on your credit takes a long time to recover from :-(